1976 Training Log | 197
Intro: From a book concerning Bill’s eventful 1976 year.Excerpts from Marathoning by Bill Rodgers with Joe Concannon pages 87-89.The MARATHON. It is not one of the ultimate challenges, like going to the moon or climbing Mount Everest. The marathon is something that is readily within reach, and when I reached for it, I won Boston. I set the American Record. That opened doors. It changed my life. It also set me up for some failures. I learned how the marathon can humble you.From the considerable gossip and feedback I had heard and read in the press, it was clear many runners felt my record race at Boston was a fluke. Iíd had the wind at my back, it was a downhill course, and it was point to point. Put simply, I had set it on an easy course on an easy day.The Olympic Trials became my next objective, and I had to cope with the interrelated aspects of climate and occupation.I was getting up at six oíclock to run, and in the freezing cold of January and February, it was starting to drive me crazy out there alone in the dark. Also it was dangerous.I can remember one day going out, running a half mile and flipping out. I ran back to the house and started to jog in place. It was physically and mentally depressing. I started asking myself, “How am I going to make the United States Olympic Marathon Team by jogging in place?”So I went to the school committee and asked for permission to run on my lunch hour. If they vetoed my request I was prepared, like most dedicated amateurs, to quit my job, and as usual, go it alone. But they did grant my request and on most days I did six or seven miles. Nine was a good day. Then I did ten or twelve after school. It made for a long day.The tension in Eugene was incredible. Even though I was the American Record holder, was ranked number one marathoner in the world for 1975, and had two fast times to my credit, I still did not think of myself as being the superior or even the equal to Frank Shorter. I found it difficult to sleep in Eugene and frequently felt dizzy and disoriented. I thought it was jet-lag from my cross country trip, but it was mostly tension. I bought junk food from the vending machine outside my motel room and managed to enjoy it.It was a fantastic feeling making the Olympic Team. It was a downright emotional moment crossing that line. It made all of the runs on the ice and snow clogged streets of Melrose worthwhile.I went back to Eugene in June for the ten thousand meter trials. I was feeling pretty good and actually won my heat in the trials in 28:32 flat. In fact, I was surprisingly, the fastest qualifier.Squires and I talked it over before the final and we decided not to go for the Olympic Team for ten thousand meters. Just run a fast time.The final was run on a cool day and I can still recall how worried I was when we passed two miles in 9:00. My PR at the time for two miles was 8:53.6. The race was hotly contested by Shorter, Bjorkland, Virgin and me until Bjorkland, who had lost a shoe earlier in the race, fell off the pace with a mile to go and I slipped back with a half mile to go.Bjorkland saw me falter, began sprinting and passed me with ten yards to go to make the Olympic Team. I was pleased with my PR of 28:04.4.After the track trials I did not do any more track work before the Olympics. I now know that you simply have to do some form of speed work for the marathon. I was afraid if I went on the track it might aggravate the foot injury and make it worse. I didnít want to be knocked completely out of the race.When I arrived in the Olympic Village in Montreal, the foot hurt more. I finally went to see the American medical team and they used ultrasound treatment and iced my foot. That helped.It seems amazing to me that I, the athlete with the fastest qualifying time for my event, who was now limping around the Olympic Village, was not given more assistance by the staff at Montreal. It was as if everyone assumed we knew everything there was to know and all of the bases were covered.The after race: I canít remember much about that night. All I recall is that it was somehow a very significant experience. This was the end of it. It was as if your running career had come to an end on a sour note. I didnít go out and get drunk. I had no desire to. I ached too much. I had cramps. I just went home had something to eat, and went to bed. To be succinct, it was massively depressing. Just crushing. Words cannot convey the utter feeling of losing that one feels over a poor performance at the Olympics.On the New York City Marathon: It is still the easiest marathon that I have ever run for a fast time. It may have been my best marathon and it certainly gave me a lift. I was close to my Boston time and it was equally gratifying. I had beaten Shorter for the first time in three attempts at the marathon.1976 NYC MARATHON – WITH INVIEWS WITH BILLSports Illustrated story on 76 trials marathon –http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/vault/article/magazine/MAG1091139/index.htm |
Date: | Mileage Breakdown: | Comments: |
1 – Thurs | 25 miles – easy pace | Ran approximately 25 miles non-stop from Eliot Lounge, Commonwealth Ave. Boston to Scituate for party – ran easy pace – l. back tight. |
2 – Fri | 13 miles – easy pace, few hills in AM7 miles – slow pace in PM20 total | Ran about 13 miles at easy pace through forest etc. in A.M. few hills. Ran about 7 miles in P.M. at slow pace for a total of 20 miles today. |
3 – Sat | 9 miles @ 12:45 – OK pace over flat course12 miles @ 4pm – slow pace, flat (2 hills)21 total | Ran about 9 miles at OK pace over flat course at 12:45 PM and 12 miles at slow pace over flat course ( 2 hills ) at 4:00 PM for a total of 21 miles today. |
4 – Sun | 15 miles in am – OK pace, flat course9-10 miles in pm – OK pace24+ total | Ran about 15 miles at OK pace over flat course in AM. Ran about 9-10 miles at OK pace over flat course in PM for a total of 24+ miles today. Working on stretching exercises for weak rt. hamstring. |
Miles for week : 155 (65 for 12/29 thru 12/31/75 + 90 first 4 days this year)
5 – Mon | Ran in place indoors @ 6:15 am after 1/2 mile outdoorsTrack interval at Tufts (indoors) – 3/4’s @ 3:32, 3:27, 3:19, 3:15 and 1 mile @ 4:28; also, 3 “slow” miles @ 5:30 pacetotal 15 | Ran indoors in place after 1/2 mile outdoors at 6:15 A.M. and it was inhuman depressingly cold weather. Ran indoors at Tufts a 3/4 – 3:32, 3/4 – 3:27, 3/4 – 3:19, 3/4 – 3:15(?) and mile 4:28 then 3 slow miles in 5:30 pace – running slow for a total of 15 miles today. |
6 – Tue | 12 miles @ 3:45 pm – flat course, good pace, 1 hill | Ran only once today about 12 miles at 3:45 P.M. at good pace over flat course. ( 1 good hill) |
7 – Wed | 9 miles in am – flat course, OK pace11 miles in pm – OK pace, easy hills 20 total | Ran about 9 miles at OK pace in A.M. over flat course and 11 miles at OK pace over easy hills course for a total of 20 miles today. |
8 – Thurs | 9 miles in am – flat course, good pace12 miles in pm – flat course, slow pace 21 total | Ran about 9 miles in A.M. at good pace over flat course and ran about 12 miles at slow pace in P.M. over flat course for a total of 21 miles today. |
9 – Fri | Ran in place indoors @ 6 amTrack intervals at Tufts(indoors) – 1/4 – :67, 1/2 – 2:14, 3/4 – 3:24, 1.5 – 6:47, 3/4 – 3:24, 1/2 – 2:14, 2m – 9:36; easy several miles – 15 total | Ran in place indoors – 10° out at 6 A.M. & too depressing to run – ran indoors at Tufts. 67 for 1/4, 2:14 for 1/2, 3:24 for 3/4, 6:47 for 1 1/2, 3:24 for 3/4, 2:14 for 1/2 and 9:36(?) for 2 miles – Ran easy for several more miles – total miles run today 15. |
10 – Sat | 11 miles in am – flat course, good pace12 miles in pm – flat course, OK pace – 23 total | Ran about 11 miles at good pace over flat course in A.M. Ran about 12 miles at OK pace over flat course for a total of 23 miles today. |
11 – Sun | 19 miles – slow, easy hills | Only ran once today – lazy ass that I am! Shit! About 19 miles at slow pace over easy hills course. |
Miles for week : 125
12 – Mon | 11 miles in am – OK pace, flat9 miles in pm – easy hills20 total | Ran about 11 miles in the A.M. at OK pace over flat course. Ran about 9 miles in the P.M. over easy hills (2) course. … earth today with more snow – then … (windy & cold dog shit New England weather) Total miles run today 20. |
13 – Tue | 12 (est.) miles indoors – 3 up, 3 miles @ 4:32, 4:28, 4:32 with “run” in between, and 1.5 in 6:40 “something” (Mile @ 4:33); easy few miles down | Lazy Fart – didn’t run again in A.M. 10° so chickened out! Ran once indoors in P.M. Ran 3 miles warmup, then 4:32 – run – 4:28 – run – 4:32 – run and then 6:40 something (4:33 mile) for 1 1/2 miles. Ran easy few more miles. Total miles today 12 at best!More next time! |
14 – Wed | 14 miles in pm – easy pace, flat course | Ran only once today – tired Is this my downfall?!! Sheet!Ran about 14 miles at easy pace over flat course in P.M. More tomorrow. |
15 – Thurs | 12 miles in am – OK pace, flat course10 miles in pm – easy pace, flat 22 total | Ran about 12 miles at OK pace in A.M. over flat course. Ran 10 miles at easy pace over flat course in P.M. for a total of 22 miles today. |
16 – Fri | 8+ miles in pm – slow pace | Ran about 8+ miles at slow pace in P.M. Resting for race Sunday. |
17 – Sat | 24 miles in am – hilly course, good pace | Ran nearly 2 1/2 hours with Tom Fleming (24 miles) at good pace over hilly course in A.M. No track race tomorrow! |
18 – Sun | 11+ miles in am -7+ miles in pm – both runs at OK pace over flat courses18+total | …cold shit! Ran 11+ miles in the A.M. and 7+ miles in the P.M. both at OK pace over flat courses for a total of 18+ miles today |
Miles for week :118
19 – Mon | 7+ @ 11:30 am – good pace, flat w/ 2 hills11 miles in pm – good pace18 total | Ran about 7+ miles at 11:30 A.M over flat course (2 good hills) at good pace. Ran about 11 miles at good pace in P.M. (froze self!) for a total of 18 miles today.Need higher mileage – cold out though – 3° at 6:30 A.M. today! Christ – shit cold! |
20 – Tue | 5 miles @ noon – good pace, flat course12+ at 4 pm – OK pace, easy hills – 17+ total | Ran a hard seven mi in A.M. over flat course ( 2 good hills). Ran indoors for 1 1/2 hrs – 3 – 1 miles in 5:15 pace for a total of 20 miles today.Right quadriceps hurts – has for past few days – put ice on it. |
21 – Wed | 0 miles – sick | Did no running – have bad head & chest cold and sore throat – rested in bed. 0 miles run today. |
22 – Thurs | 0 miles – sick | Ran 0 miles today – still resting in bed – trying to get rid of cold. |
23 – Fri | 0 miles – sick | Ran 0 miles today – still resting in bed – trying to get rid of cold. Charles A. came to visit – brought penicillen – have been using robitussen, aspirin, contact & nose drops. |
24 – Sat | 9 approx – indoors, easy pace11 miles in pm – outdoors, OK pace 20 total | Ran. Ran easy indoors for 1 hour plus – no idea of how far. Ran about 11 miles outdoors at OK pace in P.M. for a total of 20 miles today. |
25 – Sun | 18 miles in am – easy pace, flat course7 miles in pm – slow pace, flat 25 total | Ran about 2 hrs at easy pace over flat course in A.M. – 18 miles. Ran about 7 miles in P.M. for a total of 25 miles today. slow pace, flat course. |
Miles for week :80
26 – Mon | 8 miles in am – good pace, a few good hills12+ to 13+ in pm – slow pace, flat course 21 total | Ran about 8 miles at good pace – few good hills – in A.M. Ran about 12+ or 13+ miles (1:35) in P.M. at slow pace over flat course – exhausted! for a total of 21 miles today. |
27 – Tues | 6+ miles in am – hard pace11 approx in pm – indoors – 1m – 5:00 pace, 2.5m – 5:00 pace, then easy running for 1 hr+ total 17 | Ran about 6+ miles hard in the A.M. very warm & raining. Ran indoors – ran 1 mile (5 min. pace) then 2 1/2 miles at 5 min. pace – then easy running for 1 hour plus for a total of 17 miles approximately today. |
28 – Wed | 8 miles in am – good pace, flat course10 miles in pm – OK pace, flat course 17+ total | Ran about 8 miles at good pace in the A.M. over flat course, few good hills. Ran about 10 miles over flat course in P.M. at OK pace – tired tho – for a total of 17 miles today. |
29 – Thurs | 7 miles in am – good pace, flat course4 miles, rest 20 min, then10 miles in pm- OK pace, flat course, 1 or 2 hills21 total | Ran about 7 miles in the A.M. at good pace over flat course, a few good hills. Ran 4 miles – rested 20 minutes and ran 10 miles at OK pace over flat course (1 or 2 hills) for a total of 21 miles today. |
30 – Fri | 8 miles in am – good pace, few good hills13 miles in pm 21 total | (A.M.) Ran about 8 miles at good pace – few good hills – rt. foot & quadriceps were better – cold too. (P.M.) Ran 13 miles for a total of 21 miles today. |
31 – Sat | 15 miles in am – OK pace, flat course10 miles in pm – OK pace, flat course. 25 total | Ran about 15 miles at OK pace over flat course in A.M. Ran about 10 miles at OK pace over flat course in P.M. for a total of 25 miles today. |
January Monthly Total: 535
1 – Sun | 18 miles (2 hrs) in am – OK pace, easy hills8+ miles in pm – 26+ total | Ran about 18 miles (2 hrs) at OK pace in A.M. over easy hills course. Ran about 8 or 9 miles in P.M. for a total of 26+ miles today – bottom of rt. foot and quadriceps hurt less today & yesterday. |
Weekly total: 148
2 – Mon | 8 miles at noon – good pace13 miles in pm – indoors, OK pace 21 total | A Bad Day! 1000 mph winds caused temp to drop from 50° ‘s to 10-15° in an hour or 2. Ran 8 miles at noon ( 2 good hills ) at good pace. Ran indoors for 13 miles 1 1/2 hrs. in P.M. at OK pace for a total of 21 miles today. |
3 – Tue | 8 miles in am – flat course, good pace12 approx – indoors, 2 x 1m @ 4:55, 1.5m @ 7:25, 2 x 1m @ 4:55, 1.5 @ 7:23, 1m jog… 20 total | Ran about 8 miles in A.M. over flat course (few good hills) at good pace. Ran indoors – jogged 2 miles – stretched – ran 2 – 1 miles in 4:55, then 1 1/2 in 7:25 then 2 – 1 miles in 4:55, then 1 1/2 in 7:23 – jog a mile. Legs tight and was fairly pooped. Total miles today 20 or so….Two injuries have subsided nearly completely! |
4 – Wed | 8 miles in am – good pace, flat course12 miles in pm – flat course 20 total | Ran about 8+ miles at good pace over flat course in A.M. Ran about 12 miles over flat course in P.M. for a total of 20 miles today. |
5 – Thurs | 8 miles in am – good pace, hilly12 miles in pm – OK pace, flat course 20 total | Ran about 8 miles over fairly hilly course at good pace in A.M. Ran about 12 miles at OK pace over flat course for a total of 20 miles today. |
6 – Fri | 8+ miles in am – good pace, hilly12 miles in pm – slow, flat course 20 total | Ran about 8+ miles in A.M. at good pace over fairly hilly course. Ran 12 miles in P.M. over flat course at slow to OK pace for a total of 20 miles today. Tired, especially on the last run. |
7 – Sat | 17.5 [based on Bill’s weekly total] | [Page missing] |
8 – Sun | 17.5 [based on Bill’s weekly total] | [Page missing] |
Miles for week : 136
9 – Mon | 0 | Lost in space – travel – time! |
10 – Tue | 10 miles in am11 miles in pm – OK pace, flat 21 total | Ran 10 miles in A.M. and 11 miles in P.M. for 21 miles – felt OK – at slow to OK pace over flat course around Imperial Palace in Tokyo, Japan. |
11 – Wed | 10 miles in am – flat course10 miles in pm – same course 20 total | Ran 10 miles in A.M. over flat course and 10 miles in P.M. over same course for 20 miles today. |
12 – Thurs | 10 miles in am4 miles in pm 14 total | Ran only 10 miles in A.M. and 4 miles in P.M. for 14 miles today. |
13 – Fri | 7 miles in am4 miles in pm 11total | Ran 7 miles in A.M. and 4 miles in P.M. for 11 miles today. |
14 – Sat | 0 | Ran 0 miles today – Resting for race – should have run! |
15 – Sun | [page missing] |
Miles for week : 84
16 – Mon | [page missing] | |
17 – Tue | 8 in am -10 in pm – good pace, flat course 18 total | Ran 8 miles in A.M. in ??????, Japan. 4 miles up and 4 miles down! Ran 10 miles in P.M. over flat course at good pace for 18 miles today. |
18 – Wed | 7 miles in am – slow, flat course | Ran 7 miles in the A.M. at slow pace over flat course. |
19 – Thurs | 11 miles in am – slow, flat course10 miles in pm – slow, few hills 21 total | Ran 11 miles in the A.M. at slow pace over flat course. Ran about 10 miles at slow pace in P.M. – few hills – for a total of 21 miles today. Still feel spacey and have no desire to run hard. |
20 – Fri | 11+ miles in am – good pace, flat course6+ miles in pm – good pace, flat course 18 total | Ran 11+ miles at good pace – 5 miles into strong wind – over flat course in A.M. Ran about 6+ miles at good pace in P.M. over flat course for a total of 18 miles today. |
21 – Sat | 7 miles in pm – fair pace | Ran only once today – very tired so slept late. 7 miles at fair pace in P.M. Wretched day! |
22 – Sun | 17 miles in pm – slow | Ran only once – about 17 miles at slow pace in P.M. |
Miles for week : 88 (Mon unknown)
23 – Mon | 8 miles in am – OK pace, flat course12? miles in pm – slow, flat course 20 total | Ran about 8 miles in the A.M. at OK pace over flat course – few hills at end and ran about 10 – 12 miles (?) in P.M. at slow pace over flat course for a total of 20 miles today. Felt tired and sick in P.M. headachey and a cold coming on I think! |
24 – Tue | 8 miles in am – OK pace, flat course10 miles @ 7:15 pm – OK pace, flat w/few hills18 total | Ran about 8 miles in A.M. over flat course (few hills) at OK pace and ran about 10 miles in P.M. at OK pace (7:15 at night – such a joy to train at night) over flat course (few hills) for a total of 18 miles today. |
25 – Wed | 8 miles in am – good pace, flat course, few good hills12 miles in pm – OK to slow pace, flat20 total | Ran about 8 miles at good pace over flat course in A.M. (few good hills) and ran about 12 miles in P.M. over flat course at OK to slow pace for a total of 20 miles today – whupped tired only 4-5 hrs of sleep last night! New Tiger training shoes – left ft. bottom burns – shoes feel heavy and too big! Sliding of foot in too large shoe causing burn? |
26 – Thurs | 8 miles in am – OK pace, flat12 miles in pm – slow to OK pace, flat 20 total | Ran about 8 miles in A.M. over flat (few hills) course at OK pace – rt. rear leg still hurts behind the upper knee area >>> not enough stretching in the last 5 days! Ran about 12 miles at slow to OK pace over flat course in P.M. for a total of 20 miles today. |
27 – Fri | 9 miles in am – OK pace, flat/few hills 8 miles in pm – flat/ 2 hills 17 total | Ran about 9 mi. in the A.M. over flat course at OK pace and about 8 mi. in the P.M. over flat course (2 hills) for 17 miles today. Went to Noo York to see the AAU Indoor Meet… |
28 – Sat | 20+ miles in pm – flat/few good hills | Only 3-4 hours of sleep last night and several (ugh!) beers left their mark on me for today’s running – about 20+ miles over flat course few good hills too though – in the early P.M. – Stayed with Tom Fleming and his wife Diane – had great Italian dinner and made a pig of myself – nothing new there! |
29 – Sun | 18+ miles – good pace, tough course | Ran only once today – about 18+ miles at good pace over fairly tough course with Tom Fleming – left for home.Picked up a head cold as a result of being overtired. |
Weekly total: 133
February Monthly Total: 467
1 – Mon | 8 miles in am – OK pace, flat/few good hills15 in pm – OK pace, flat 23 total | Ran about 8 miles over flattish course with a few good hills in A.M. at OK pace and about 15 miles at OK pace over flat course in P.M. for 23 miles today. |
2 – Tue | 11+ miles in am – OK pace, fairly hilly9+ at track – indoors – 1m – 4:40, 3/4, 1m, 2 x 1 1/4 @ 4:40 – 4:44 pace (with lots of rest in between); 3 m warmdown21 total | Ran about 11+ or 12 miles at OK pace over fairly hilly course in A.M. Ran on track indoors a mile – 4:40 – a 3/4 – a miles – then 2 1 1/4 milesall at about 4:40 – 4:44 pace and with lots of rest in between – ran 3 miles warmdown – total miles run today 21. |
3 – Wed | 9 miles in am – OK pace, flat/few good hills, slippery snow11 miles in pm – OK pace, hilly 20 total | Ran about 9 miles at OK pace in slippery snow over flattish course (few good hills) in A.M. Ran about 11 miles at OK pace over hilly course in P.M. for a total of 20 miles today – 2nd run about 2 hrs after the 1st. |
4 – Thurs | 9 miles in am – OK pace, hilly15 miles in pm – OK pace, flat 24 total | Ran about 9 miles in the A.M. over fairly hilly course at OK pace and ran about 15 miles at OK pace over flat course in P.M. for a total of 24 miles today – no injuries – cold a bit better – felt fairly good – & its getting warmer. |
5 – Fri | 8 miles in am – flat12 miles in pm – slow to OK pace, flat 20 total | Ran about 8 miles in the A.M. over flat course with a few good hills – windy & I was tired – achey. Ran about 12 miles in P.M. over flat course at slow to OK pace – warm – 60°s and windy. Ran about 20 miles today. Pooped |
6 – Sat | 13 miles in am – OK pace, flat9 miles in pm – OK pace, flat/few hills22 total | Ran about 13 miles in A.M. at OK pace over flat course – a bit windy – 40°s – Ran about 9 miles in the P.M. at OK pace over flat course, few hills, for a total of 22 miles today. |
7 – Sun | 23 miles in am – good to hard pace, flat7 miles in pm – easy pace, flat30 total | Ran about 23 miles (?) at good to hard pace w/J. Demeck in A.M. over flat course – windy – rt. leg behind knee hurt – ran about 7 miles in P.M. at easy pace over flat course for a total of 30 miles today |
Miles for week : 160
8 – Mon | 9 miles in am – OK pace, flat w/few good hills11+ miles in pm – 20+ total | Ran about 9 miles in the A.M. at OK pace over flat course w/few good hills and ran about 11+ miles in the P.M. for a total of 20+ miles today.Coldish out – low 30°s & windy, rt. leg not hurting as much as yesterday |
9 – Tue | 9 miles in am – OK pace, flat w/a few good hills13 indoors in pm – 2 x (1m, 1.5 m, 2m) w lots of jogging in between22 total | Ran about 9 miles at OK pace over flat course w/ a few good hills in A.M. In P.M. ran indoors 2 sets of a mile, a 1 1/2 mile and a 2 mile with a lot of time jogging slowly in between each interval run. Total miles run today 22. |
10 – Wed | 7 miles in am – slow pace, flat14 miles in pm – slow pace, flat 21 total | Ran about 7 miles in A.M. at slow pace over flat course. Ran about 14 miles at slow comfortable pace in P.M. over flat course for a total of 21 miles today. |
11 – Thurs | 9 miles – OK to good pace, flat w/few good hills12 miles – easy pace, flat 21 total | Ran about 9 miles at OK to good pace over flat course w/few good hills and ran about 12 miles over flat course at easy restful pace – sadly because rt. rear leg still hurting. 21 total miles run today. |
12 – Fri | 8 miles in am – OK pace, flat12(?) miles indoors – 3x 3/4m, 6 x 1/2 @ 2:24 pace. Easy warmdown 20 total | Ran about 8 miles in A.M. at OK pace over flat course. Ran about (?) 12 miles indoors – 3-3/4 miles and 6-1/2’s – all at 2:24 pace. Easy warmdown run – leg fair. Total miles run today 20. |
13 – Sat | 15+ miles – OK pace, flat | Ran only once today – about 15+ miles at OK pace over flat course. |
14 – Sun | 18+ miles in am – easy pace, flat8 miles in pm – easy pace27 (approx) total | Ran about 2 1/2 hrs. 18-20 miles at easy pace over flat course – some rolling hills in A.M. and ran about 8 miles in the P.M. at easy pace for a total of 27 miles approximately. |
Miles for week :146
15 – Mon | 9 miles in am – good pace, flat course12-13 miles in pm – OK pace, flat22 total | Ran about 9 miles in A.M. at good pace over flat course w/few good hills. Ran about 12-13 miles at OK pace in P.M. over flat course for a total of 22 miles today – felt OK. |
16 – Tue | 9 miles – OK to hard pace, flat w/feww good hills9 miles in pm – OK pace18 total | Ran about 9 miles over flat course w/a few good hills at OK to hard pace – windy out * Blizzard ———– damn blizzard hail & ice-snow & stiff winds so only ran about 9 miles at OK pace in P.M. for a total of 18 miles today. |
17 – Wed | 13 miles in am – slow pace, wind & snow12 miles in pm – slow pace, flat25 total | Ran about 13 miles in ugly conditions (wind & snow) at slow pace in A.M. Ran about 12 miles in P.M. at slow pace over flat course for a total of 25 miles today. |
18 – Thurs | 10 miles in am – good pace, hilly course10 miles in pm – indoors, 4 x 1/2, 1/4 jog, 1m – 5:00, 2 x 1/2, 1m – 5:00, 1 up, 1 down20 total | Ran about 10 miles over fairly hilly course in the A.M. at good pace and ran easy indoor work-out in P.M. 4 – 1/2’s jog 1/4’s in between (2:30 pace) then 5 min. mile – 2 more 1/2’s then a 5 min. mile – mile warmup & warm-down for a total of 20 miles today. |
19 – Fri | 9 miles in am – slow pace, flat w/few hills11+ in pm – slow pace, flat20+ total | Ran about 9 miles in the A.M. at slow pace over flat course w/a few hills. Ran about 11+ miles in the P.M. over flat course at slow pace for a total of 20+ miles today>Felt sluggish & weaker – tired due to lack of sleep last night, etc. |
20 – Sat | 6+ miles in am7.3 miles – 34:44.5 for 1st in race[Holyoke St. Patrick’s Road Race – 7.6 miles]6miles – after race, 2 more22 (or so) total | Ran 1st in 34:44.5 for 7.3 mile course w/2 hills – rest flat & downhill – won color T.V. Ran 6+ miles or so earlier in A.M. and felt pooped before the race but OK. Ran 6 mi. right after the race – felt exhausted (lack of food – 1 piece of toast!) ran 2 more … Total miles for me today 22 or so. |
21 – Sun | 18-19 miles in am – slow pace, hilly9 miles in pm – OK pace, flat w/1 hill27 total | Ran about 18-19 miles (2hrs) at slow pace over hilly course in A.M. Felt pooped. Ran about 9 miles in P.M. at OK pace (1 hill) over flat course for a total of 27 miles today. |
Miles for week : 154
22 – Mon | 12-13 miles in am – slow pace, flat, windy9 miles in pm – slow pace, flat w/few hills22 total | Ran about 12-13 miles in the A.M. at slow pace over flat course – windy & felt tired. Ran about 9 miles at slow pace in P.M. over flat course w/ a few hills for a total of 22 miles today. |
23 – Tue | 9 miles in am – easy pace, flat w/few good hills11(?) in pm – Indoors, 2 x (1 1/4, 1 1/2), 1 m, all at 4:46 – 4:4820 total | Ran about 9 miles in the A.M. over flat course w/few good hills at easy pace. Ran on track indoors a 1 1/4 mile – 1 1/2 mile repeat the set – then a last mile – all at OK pace – 4:46 – 4:48 pace – jogging slow – total miles today 20 – at best. |
24 – Wed | 9 miles in am – good to hard pace, flat w/few good hills11+ miles in pm – fair pace, flat20 total | Ran about 9 miles at good to hard pace in A.M. over flat course w/few good hills. Ran 11+ miles at fair pace over flat course in P.M. Very tired due to lack of sleep, etc. – also, very windy – warm though 50°s & 60°s. |
25 – Thurs | 7.5-8 miles in am – easy pace, flat w/few good hills13+ in pm – slow easy pace, flat w/few good hills21 total | Warm out “60°s”Ran about 7.5 or 8 miles at easy pace over flat course w/few good hills in A.M. and ran 13+ miles in P.M. at slow easy pace [in P.M.] over flat course w/few good hills for a total of 21 miles today. |
26 – Fri | 7+ miles in am – slow pace, flat7 miles in pm – slow pace, flat15 (approx) total | Ran about 50-55 minutes in the A.M. for 7+ miles at slow pace over flat course and about 7 miles in the P.M. over flat course at slow pace for a total of about 15 miles today. |
27 – Sat | 6 miles – easy pace, flat, resting for race | Ran only once today 6 mi. or so at easy pace over flat course – resting for race tomorrow. |
28 – Sun | 2+ miles at 6 am30K – 1:29:04 – American & World record for 30K on roads!!1 mile jog after22 total | Slept poorly – up at 3 A.M. or so due to severe wheeze – lungs tight from feather pillow – ran 2+ miles at 6:00 A.M. to relieve tightness & took hot shower and snort of ——- …won Natl. 30 kilo in 1:29:04 for a new American and World record for 30 kilometers on the roads – jogged down 1 mile – felt good all the way – course was extremely fast – one hill only at the beginning and terrific wind at our backs – good competition helped out too. Total miles today 22. |
Miles for week : 126
29 – Mon | 8 miles in am – slow, flat course12 in pm – slow, flat 20 total | Ran 8 miles in the A.M. slowly over flat course. Ran 12 miles over flat course in P.M. at slow pace for a total of 20 miles today.Legs achey. |
30 – Tue | 15 miles in pm – slow | Only able to run once as my ding bat principal had us go out for a fire drill at 12 noon in the middle of my planned 1st run. Ran slowly about 15 miles as my legs ached & I was pooped from a tough day at school. If I don’t make the Olympics I will place the blame on my [scratched out words] – job. |
31 – Wed | 9 miles in am – slow pace, flat13 miles in pm – OK pace, flat22 total | Ran 9 miles in the A.M. over flat course w/few good hills at slow pace. Ran 13 miles at OK pace over flat course in the P.M. for a total of 22 miles today. |
March Monthly Total: 643
1 – Thurs | 9 miles in am – OK pace, flat w/few good hills14 miles in pm – slow to OK pace, easy hills23 total | Ran 9 miles in the A.M. at OK pace over flat course w/few good hills and ran 14 miles at slow to OK pace over easy hills course in P.M. for a total of 23 miles today. |
2 – Fri | 12 miles @5:45 am – easy pace, flat course8 approx in pm – flat w/few hills20 total | Ran about 12 miles in the A.M. (early A.M. 5:45 AM! Eeek!) at easy pace over flat course and ran 50+ minutes in the P.M. over flat course w/few hills for a total of 20 miles today. |
3 – Sat | 18(?) miles in am – easy pace, hilly9 miles in pm – OK pace, flat 27(?) total | Ran about 18 (?) miles in the A.M. over hilly course at easy pace ( on windy day ). Ran about 9 miles at OK pace over flat course for a total of 27 – 25 miles today. |
4 – Sun | 10miles in am – outdoor track – 1/2 – 2:16, 1m – 4:32, 3/4 – 3:25, 1m – 4:33, 3/4 – 3:26, 1m – 4:35, 1m – 4:33; warm up & warm down and jog in between 9 miles in pm – slow pace, flat course 19 total | Ran hard track workout – outdoor – a 1/2 in 2:16, mile in 4:32, 3/4 3:25, mile 4:33, 3/4 – 3:26, mile – 4:35, mile – 4:33. Warm-down & warm up and jog in between add 2 – 10 miles total in the A.M. Ran about 9 miles in the P.M. at slow pace over flat course for a total of 19 miles today. Legs are sore hamstrings especially & left knee injury of all last week persisted still – though it has subsided in intensity. |
Miles for week : 146
5 – Mon | 9 miles in am – OK to good pace, flat w/few good hills15 miles in pm – easy pace, flat, windy 24 total | Ran 9 miles at OK to good pace over flat course w/few good hills. Ran nearly 15 miles over flat course at easy pace – still windy in P.M. for a total of 24 today. Pooped. |
6 – Tue | 9 miles in am – OK to good pace, flat w/few good hills11+ miles in pm – easy pace, flat20 total | Ran about 9 miles at OK to good pace over flat course w/few good hills in A.M. Ran 11 1/2 miles at easy pace over flat course in P.M. for a total of 20 miles today. Still tired – |
7 – Wed | 9 miles in am – easy to OK pace, flat w/few hills9 miles in pm – on track at good pace 18 total | Ran 9 miles at easy to OK pace over flat course w/few hills. Ran about 9 miles at good pace on track at B.U. for 18 miles today. |
8 – Thurs | 0 miles – resting injury | Ran 0 miles today – rested left knee which hurt while walking around – also resting for race Sat. |
9 – Fri | 8 miles in am – easy pace | Ran about 8 miles at easy pace – felt “out of it” – strange how it affected me to miss just 1 day – left knee OK – |
10 – Sat | 3 miles in 13:25 on track – PR! B.C. Relays( 2 miles of warm up, warm down?)18 miles in pm – over BAA Marathon course23 total | Ran PR 13:25 for 3 mile run outdoors at B.C. Relays. 1 mi.- 4:27, 2 mi.8:57, last mile in a blazing 4:28. Ran 18 miles over BAA Marathon course later in P.M. Total miles today 23. |
11 – Sun | 17 miles in am – easy pace, flat10 miles in pm – OK pace, flat w/a few hills27 total | Ran an easy 17 miles in the A.M. over flat course and an OK 10 miles in the P.M. over flat course w/a few hills for a total of 27 miles today. Windy & cold in P.M. – snow flurries |
Miles for week : 120
12 – Mon | 9 miles in am – good pace, flat w/few good hills15 miles in pm – easy pace, flat24 total | Ran 9 miles at good pace in A.M. over flat course w/few good hills – ran about 15 miles at easy pace in P.M. over flat course for a total of 24 miles today. Windy & cold. |
13 – Tue | 9 miles in am – OK to good pace, flat w/few good hills13(?) miles in pm – 1m warm up, 2 x (1mi, 1.5m) @ 4:48 pace, 1m – 4:42, 2m – 9:32; 6 min. jog in between; few miles warm down22 total (approx) | Ran about 9 miles at OK to good pace over flat course w/few good hills in A.M. Warmer out – 60° – ram 1 mi warmup – then 1 mi 4:48 – 1 1/2 – 4:48 pace – repeat – then 1 mi 4:42 and 2 mi 9:32, 6 min jog between each -felt good – ran slow few miles warmdown workout with Bob Hall. Total miles run today 22 or so. |
14 – Wed | 11-12 miles @ 1:15 pm – easy, flat8-9 miles @ 3 pm – easy hills, easy pace20 total | Ran 9 miles over flat course w/few good hills at easy to OK pace in A.M. Ran 11 miles at easy to OK pace in P.M. for a total of 20 miles today. |
15 – Thurs | 9+ miles in am – OK pace, flat w/few good hills14 miles in pm – good pace, flat23 total | Ran about 9+ miles in the A.M. over flat course w/few good hills at OK pace. Ran 14 miles at good pace over flat course in P.M. for a total of 23 miles today. Hot out |
16 – Fri | 13 miles in am – on track – 7 x 1m @ 4:36 – 4:39, w/ last one in 4:27, 6:00 jog between, 4 miles up/down9 miles in pm – easy pace, flat22 total | Ran 7 interval miles in 4:36 – 4:39 pace – last one 4:27 – with 6 min rest-jog between each. Warmdown & up 4 miles – total miles run in A.M. 13 – Ran 9 in P.M. at easy pace over flat course – Total miles run today 22. Warm out today – 82° … Hot Out – Got a Sunburn! |
17 – Sat | 15 miles in am – easy pace, flat5 miles in pm – easy pace, flat 20 total | Ran about 15 miles in the A.M. at easy pace over flat course and ran an easy 5 miles in P.M. over flat course for a total of 20 miles today. |
18 – Sun | 16 miles approx in am – easy pace, flat8 miles in pm – easy pace, flat24 total | Ran about 15-18 miles in A.M. at easy pace over flat course. Ran about 8 miles in P.M. at easy pace over flat course for a total of 24 miles today. Hot out – 90° – or so. |
Miles for week : 155
19 – Mon | 17 miles @ 6 am – OK pace | Ran only once today – at 6 A.M. when it was cool – ran about 17 miles or so at OK pace, Dethroned as BAA champ! |
20 – Tue | 8 miles – slow pace, flat | Ran once today – for 8 miles at slow pace over flat course – resting 10,000 on Thursday. |
21 – Wed | 6 miles in am – easy pace | Ran once today, in A.M. for 6 miles at easy pace. Left for Philadelphia. |
22 – Thurs | 2 miles in am – easy10,000 meters on track – 28:33.6 PR, 4th Penn Relays3+ miles after race12 total | Ran 10,000 meters in 28:33.6 PR, 4th place, at Penn Relays. Led most of the way and lost time due to starting at the rear of the pack. Jogged 2 mi easy in A.M. and 3+ miles easy in P.M. after race for a total of 12 miles.Qualified for 10,000 meter Olympic Trials race. 3 mile was 13:47.3. |
23 – Fri | 20 miles in am4 miles in pm – easy 24 total | Ran about 20 miles in N.J. w/ T. Fleming in A.M. Ran about 4 easy miles in P.M. for a total of 24 miles today.. |
24 – Sat | 14+ miles in am – flat5+ miles in pm – easy pace 20 total | Ran about 14-15 miles in the A.M. over flat course and ran 5+ miles in the P.M. at easy pace for a total of 20 miles today… |
25 – Sun | 20 miles in pm – OK pace, flat | Ran only once today about 20 miles at OK pace over flat course in P.M. Schedule got goofed up due to banquet & time change – needed the sleep! |
Miles for week : 107
26 – Mon | 10 miles in am – OK to good pace, fairly hilly14 miles in pm – OK to good pace, flat24 total | Ran about 10 miles in the A.M. at OK to good pace over fairly hilly course. Ran 14 miles in the P.M. at OK to good pace over flat course for a total of 24 miles today.. |
27 – Tues | 10 miles in am – OK to good pace , fairly hilly12-13 miles in pm – OK pace, flat w/few good hills23 total | Ran 10 mi. in the A.M. over fairly hilly course at OK to good pace. Ran 12-13 miles in P.M. at OK pace over flat course w/few good hills in it. Total miles run 23. |
28 – Wed | 10 miles in am – OK pace, fairly hilly12 miles in pm – OK pace, flat22 total | Ram 10 mi. in the A.M. at OK pace over fairly hilly course – ran 12 mi. in the P.M. at OK pace (tired & blah) over flat course for a total of 22 mi. today. |
29 – Thurs | 10 miles in am – easy pace, flat w/few good hills12 miles in pm – on track – 5 x 1m and 2m all @ 4:46 – 4:50 pace; long jog between, probably warm up and down22 total | Ran 10 miles in the A.M. at easy pace over flat course w/few good hills. Ran on the track repeat miles and 1 – 2 mile @ 4:46 to 4:50 pace for 7 miles – long jog in between – total miles run today 22 – Tired – not enough sleep |
30 – Fri | 10 miles in am – slow pace, flat w/few good hills10 miles in pm – easy pace, flat20 total | Ran 10 miles over flat course w/few good hills at slow pace – recovering from tough week – little sleep and several drinks from last night. Ran 10 miles at easy pace over flat course in P.M. for a total of 20 miles today. |
April Monthly Total: 582
1 – Sat | 20 miles in am – easy pace, flat7 miles in pm – flat27 total | Ran almost 20 miles at easy pace over flat course in A.M. Ran near 7 miles over flat course in P.M. Tired – have achey legs. Total miles run today 27. |
2 – Sun | 7 miles in am – easy pace9.7 miles – 47+ minutes, 1st place Charlie Epstein’s “10” mile Race – 2 mile jog before19 miles (approx) | Ran near 7 miles at easy pace in A.M. and 2 mile jog before running Charlie Epstein’s 10 mile road race in Worcester (short 9.7 miles) 1st in 47:??, 1 good hill not too hard a run. Total miles run today 19 or so. |
Miles for week : 157
3 – Mon | 13 miles in early pm – easy pace, flat10-11 miles in later pm – easy pace, flat23+ total | Ran about 13 miles in the early P.M. at easy pace over flat course (very windy). Ran about 10-11 miles in the later P.M. at easy pace over flat course – a few small hills on each run – felt spacey. Total miles run today 23+. |
4 – Tue | 10 miles in am – easy pace, flat w/few good hills13 miles in pm – easy pace23 total | Ran 10 miles at easy pace in A.M. over flat course w/few good hills. Ran 13 miles at easy pace, partly through woods, for a total of 23 miles today. |
5 – Wed | 10 + miles in am – OK pace, flat w/few good hills14 miles in pm – OK pace, flat24 total | Ran 10+ miles in the A.M. over flat course w/few good hills at OK pace. Ran 14 miles at OK pace over flat course in the P.M. for a total of 24 miles today. Windy!! again!! |
6 – Thurs | 8+ in am – easy pace, flat10+ on track in pm – 1.5m, 1m, 2m, 1.5m @ 4:48 pace, long jog between, 2 down18+ total | Ran about 8+ miles in the A.M. at easy pace over flat course – very tired due to lack of sleep, the job, the heat ( 80+°) and yesterday’s ending a tough week. Ran on the track in P.M. (felt poorly) a 1 1/2 – a mile – a 2 mi. – then a 1 1/2 – in 4:48 pace – long jog between – slow 2 mi. jog – total miles today 18-20 |
7 – Fri | 10 miles in am – OK pace, flat w/few good hills9 miles in pm – slow pace19 total | Ran 10 mi in the A.M. over flat course w/few good hills at OK pace – felt tired. Ran 9 miles in the P.M. at slow pace – felt wiped out!! Need sleep!! Difficult training and the job too!Plus windy. Total miles today 19. |
8 – Sat | 23+ miles in am – slow pace, flat w/few good hills8 miles in pm – slow pace, flat w/few good hills30+ total [ more like 31+] | Ran about 23 or 24 miles at slow pace over flat course w/few good hills – cool out but windy, as usual – in the A.M. Ran about 8 miles at slow pace over flat course w/few good hills – felt better this P.M. – rested 1 hr. in bed. Total miles run today 30+ miles. |
9 – Sun | 12 miles in am – easy pace, flat8 miles in pm – easy pace, flat20 total | Ran an easy 12 miles over flat course in A.M. and an easy 8 miles over flat course in P.M. for a total of 20 miles today. |
Miles for week : 157
10 – Mon | 10+ miles in am – OK pace, roads10 miles in pm – OK pace, on track20 total | Take-off from school… By Noon – be at Valle’s Steak House – Rt. 9 – Chestnut HillRan 10+ miles in the A.M. over roads… OK pace and ran 10 miles on B.C. track at OK pace in P.M. for a total of 20 miles today. |
11 – Tue | 10 miles in am – good pace, flat w/few good hills11+ miles in pm – easy pace, flat21+ total | Ran 10 mi. in the A.M. over flat course w/few good hills at good pace. WINDY AGAIN. Ran 11 miles+ at easy pace in P.M. over flat course for a total of 21+ miles today. |
12 – Wed | 10 miles in am – OK pace, flat w/few good hills12 miles in pm – easy rolling hills22 total | Ran 10 miles in the A.M. at OK pace over flat course w/few good hills – Ran 12 miles over easy rolling hills woods course with Chuck Riley, in the P.M. for a total of 22 miles today. |
13 – Thurs | 10 miles in am – flat w/few good hills14 miles in pm – 2.5 slow, 11.5 OK pace, flat24 total | Ran 10 mi. in the A.M. over flat course w/few good hills. Ran 14 miles over flat course in P.M. 1st 2 1/2 miles at slow pace – last 11 1/2 at OK pace for a total of 24 miles today. |
14 – Fri | 9 miles in am – easy pace, flat w/few good hills11 miles approx in pm – 3/4’s and 2 x 1m @ 5:00 pace, easy warm-up & warm-down20 total (approx) | Ran 9 mi. in the A.M. over flat course w/few good hills at easy pace – tired – too little sleep last night. Ran easy 5 min. pace 3/4’s an[d] 2 – 1 miles at same pace – easy warm-up & warm-down for a total of near 20 miles today. |
15 – Sat | 16 miles in am – easy pace, flat5 miles in pm – easy pace, flat21 total | Ran 16 mi. in A.M. over flat course at easy pace. Ran 5 mi. in P.M. over flat course at easy pace for a total of 21 miles today. |
16 – Sun | 10 miles – Cerebral Palsy Road Race – ran easy | Ran only once today for 10 miles in Cerebral Palsy Road Race – ran easy – few good hills. |
Miles for week : 138
17 – Mon | 10 miles in am – flat w/few good hills11 miles in pm – easy pace, flat21 total | Ran 10 mi. in the A.M. over flat course w/few good hills – very tired – Ran 11 miles at easy pace in P.M. over flat course for a total of 21 miles today. |
18 – Tue | 10 miles in am – easy pace, flat w/few good hills8+ in pm – slow pace, flat18 total | Ran 10 mi in the A.M. over flat course w/few good hills at easy pace – ran 8+ miles at slow pace in P.M. over flat course for a total of 18 miles today. |
19 – Wed | 10 miles in am – easy pace, flat | Ran 10 miles over flat course w/few good hills in A.M. at easy pace – only run of the day – off to Oregon for Olympic Trials.. |
20 – Thurs | 5miles – easy pace, flat | Ran once about 5 miles at easy pace over flat course w/2 hills.Only 5 hrs. sleep – so that & jet lag left me zapped – small head cold – dizzy – partly due to nerves. |
21 – Fri | 3+ miles – slow pace, flat | Slept better – about 7 hrs. – ran about 3-4 miles slow over flat course – still spaced out – but better. |
22 – Sat | 26.2 miles – 2:11:58 – 2nd place Olympic Trials | Ran 2nd to Shorter in 2:11:58 and made Olympic Team. Legs (calves especially) cramped in the last 5 miles – also had muscle ache in the side at 10 mi. 1:39:22 at 20 miles. 49:24 for 10. No warm-down – showered. …Celebrated!! Montreal!!In the next few weeks – 1. Need 2-3 25-30 mile runs at good pace; 2. Need to take ERG or Coke during race; 3. Need little more speed; 4. Need lots of rest. |
23 – Sun | 5 miles in am – easy pace, flat | Ran easy 5 miles over flat course in the A.M. at San Francisco Airport – 2 hrs. sleep |
Miles for week : 88
24 – Mon | 8 miles in am – easy pace, flat w/few good hills8+ miles in pm – OK to easy pace, flat w/few good hills16+ total | Ran about 8 miles at easy pace in A.M. over flat course w/few good hills. Ran about 8+ miles at OK to easy pace over flat course w/few good hills in P.M. for a total of 16+ miles today. |
25 – Tue | 8+ miles in am – easy pace, flat w/few good hills11 miles in pm – easy pace, flat19 total | Ran 8+ miles in the A.M. at easy pace over flat course w/few good hills. Ran 11 miles at easy pace over flat course in P.M. for a total of 19 miles today. Legs much better – still need sleep though – head & body zapped. |
26 – Wed | 8-9 miles in am – slow pace, flat w/few good hills9 miles in pm18 total. | Ran about 8-9 miles in the A.M. over flat course w/few good hills at slow pace. Ran about 9 miles in the P.M. for a total of 18 miles today. Has been cool out all week. |
27 – Thurs | 8 miles in am10 miles in pm – slow pace, Belmont track18 total | Ran about 8 miles in the A.M. and ran on Belmont track about 10 miles at slow pace – tired – total miles today 18. |
28 – Fri | 8-9 miles in am – flat w/few good hills12 miles in pm – flat20 total | Ran about 8-9 miles in the A.M. over flat course w/few hills. Ran about 12 miles in the P.M. over flat course for a total of 20 miles today. |
29 – Sat | 10 miles in am – easy pace, flat8 miles in pm – easy pace, flat18 total | Ran 10 miles in the A.M. and about 8 miles in the P.M. at easy pace over flat courses for a total of 18 miles today. Rest day! |
30 – Sun | 11-12 miles in am – easy pace, flat w/few good hills9 miles in pm – slow pace, flat20 total | Ran about 11-12 miles at easy pace in the A.M. over flat course w/few good hills. Ran a slow 9 miles in the P.M. over a flat course for a total of 20 miles today. |
Miles for week : 129
31 – Mon | 21+ miles in am -flat | Ran 21+ miles in the A.M. over flat course – only run of the day. |
May Monthly Total: 589
1 – Tue | 10 miles in am – good pace, flat w/few good hills11-12 miles in pm – easy pace, flat21 total | Ran 10 mi. at good pace over flat course w/few good hills in A.M. Ran 11-12 miles at easy pace over flat course in P.M. for a total of 21 miles today. |
2 – Wed | 10 miles in am – OK pace, flat w/few good hills12 miles in pm – 5+ miles warm-up, 6 x 1m @ 5:00 pace, 4 min. jog in between22 total | Ran 10 mi in the A.M. over flat course w/few good hills at OK pace. Ran 5-6 miles warm-up at OK pace over flat course then ran 6 – 5 min. miles on B.C. track with with 4 min. jog for a total of 22 miles today. |
3 – Thurs | 10 miles in am – OK pace, flat course w/few good hills9 miles in pm – easy pace, flat19 total | Ran 10 mi. at OK pace in A.M. over flat course w/ few good hills. Ran 9 miles over flat course in P.M. at easy pace. Right thigh is injured! muscle tear – iced it in P.M. total miles today 19. |
4 – Fri | 9 miles in am – OK pace, flat w/few good hills11+ miles in pm – OK pace, flat20 total | Ran 9 miles in the A.M. at OK pace over flat course w/few good hills. Ran 11+ miles in P.M. over flat course at OK pace. rt. thigh still hurts some – Total miles run today 20. |
5 – Sat | 9 miles on 1st run – on track – 2 x (1/2, 3/4, 1m) @ 2:15 – 2:24 pace, also 1/2, 3/4, 400 jog between, warmup, warmdown12 miles in pm – OK pace, few good hills21 total | Ran on the track 2 sets of 1/2 + 3/4 + 1 mi. in 2:15 – 2:24 pace plus a 1/2 + 3/4 – all with 400 yds. jog in between. Warmup & warmdown. Ran 12 miles in P.M. at OK pace plus a few good hills for a total of 21 miles today. |
6 – Sun | 15-16 miles in am – OK pace, flat w/some small hills8+ in pm – easy pace23 total | Ran 15-16 miles at OK pace over flat course w/some small hills in Nahant & Lynn in A.M. Ran 8+ miles in P.M. at easy pace for a total of 23 miles today. |
Miles for week : 147
7 – Mon | 10 miles – OK to good pace, flat w/few good hills14 miles in pm – OK to good pace, flat24 total | Ran 10 miles at OK to good pace over flat course w/few good hills. Ran 14 miles at OK to good pace over flat course in P.M. for a total of 14 miles today. |
8 – Tue | 10 miles in am – easy pace, flat w/few good hills13 miles in pm – flat23 total | Ran 10 miles in the A.M. at easy pace over flat course w/few good hills. Ran about 13 miles over flat course in P.M. w/ Chuck Riley for a total of 23 miles today..Hot out! 90° |
9 – Wed | 10 miles in am – easy pace, flat8 miles in pm – on track – 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1m, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 @ :68 – :69 sec. pace, 2m – 9:50; 300-400 meter jog between18 total | Ran 10 mi. in the A.M. (agh) at easy pace over flat course. Ran on track in P.M. 440 – 880 – 3/4 + mile in 68 – 69 sec. pace with 300 – 400 meter jog between – repeat except we ran a 9:50 2 mile instead of the mile. Total miles run today 18. |
10 – Thurs | 15 miles in pm – easy pace, dead tired | Ran once in the P.M. about 15 miles at easy pace – dead beat. 6 hrs sleep – a hard work week – a hard running week – and drinking last night and a hard day at school. Should have been born in Finland.90° s out |
11 – Fri | 8 miles in am – easy pace, flat12 miles in pm – flat20 total | Ran 8 miles in the A.M. at easy pace over flat course and 12 mi. in the P.M. over flat course for a total of 20 miles today.90° s again |
12 – Sat | 10 miles in am – easy pace, flat7 miles in pm – easy pace, flat17 total | Ran 10 mi. at easy pace over flat course in A.M. Ran 50 min. (7 mi.) at easy pace over flat course in P.M. for a total of 17 miles today. Went to bed late – tired – small cold -Cool out! |
13 – Sun | 10K race – 29:33 for 2nd place (Road Race)9 miles in pm – OK pace, flat (after race)7+ miles in pm – easy pace, flat22+ total | Ran (2nd) 29:33 to 29:23 for Shorter for 10,000 meters R. Race in Akron, Ohio. Ran 9 miles more at OK pace over flat course in P.M. after the race. Ran 7+ miles at easy pace over flat course in P.M. for a total of 22 – 23 miles today. |
Miles for week : 139
14 – Mon | 8 miles in am – easy pace, flat12 miles in pm – easy paace, flat20 total | Ran 8 mi. in the early A.M. over flat course at easy pace. Ran 12 mi. at easy pace over flat course in P.M. for a total of 20 miles today. Windy, Cool, but still humid. |
15 – Tue | 10 miles in am – OK pace, flat w/few good hills11 miles in pm – easy pace21 total | Ran 10 miles in the A.M. at OK pace over flat course w/few good hills – ran 11 miles in the P.M. at easy pace for a total of 21 miles today. Hot out & humid – 80° – 90° s. |
16 – Wed | 10 miles in am – easy pace, flat w/few good hills11 miles in pm – easy pace, flat21 total | Ran 10 mi. at easy pace over flat course w/few good hills in A.M. Ran 11 miles at easy pace over flat course in P.M. for a total of 21 miles today. |
17 – Thurs | 3 miles7 miles in pm – easy pace, 1 good hill10 total | …ran 3 miles loop course todayRan 7 miles at easy pace in P.M. 1 good hill |
18 – Fri | 7 miles – easy running, speedups on track | Hot… 45 min. easy running – 7 miles speedups on track. |
19 – Sat | 2 miles in am – slow10,000 meters – 28:32.7 – Won heat – Olympic Trials (Eugene)5 miles in pm – easy pace14 total | Cool… Ran 2 mi. slow in A.M. Won 10,000 meter heat in 28:32.7 (PR) in P.M. Splits were (4:38) (9:09) (13:45) for 1st 3 mi. Ran easy for 5 mi. in P.M. Total miles today 14. |
20 – Sun | 5 miles in am – easy5 miles in pm – easy10 total | Ran an easy 5 in the A.M. and P.M. for 10 mi. today. |
Miles for week : 103
21 – Mon | 6 miles in am – easy6 miles in pm – easy12 total | Cool… Ran an easy 6 mi. in the A.M. and P.M. over flat course for a total of 12 miles today. |
22 – Tue | 2 miles in am – easy10,000 meters – 28:04.4 (PR) – 4th place Olympic Trials9 total | Ran easy for 2 mi. in the A.M. and ran P.R. 28:04.4 for 10,000 meters. (4th place Olympic Trials). 9 mile total. |
23 – Wed | 5 miles in pm – slow pace | Humid… Ran an easy 5 miles in the P.M. at slow pace – wiped out. |
24 – Thurs | 12 miles in early pm – easy pace, flat8 miles in pm – flat, 1 good hill20 total | Hot & humid… Ran 12 mi. flat course in early P.M. at easy pace. Ran 8 mi. in P.M. over flat course w/1 good hill for a total of 20+ miles today. |
25 – Fri | 12 miles in am – slow pace, flat8+ miles in pm – slow to OK pace, flat20+ total | Ran 12 miles slow in A.M. over flat course and 8+ miles slow to OK pace in P.M. over flat course for a total of 20+ miles today. |
26 – Sat | 12 miles in am – easy pace, flat5+ miles in pm (8 x 300 yds uphill??)17 total | Ran 12 miles at easy pace in A.M. over flat course – feet hurt – rt. one especially from blisters from 10,000 track race (final) in Eugene plus more (importantly?????) rt. foot’s ligaments stretched (Tiger’s not enough support & are too narrow) …a wide shoe [ but rt. Size 9 too big (long)]. Ran 5-7 miles in P.M. (uphill run for 300 yds.) (8). Total miles today 17. |
27 – Sun | 10+ miles in am – easy pace9 miles in pm20 total | Ran 10+ mi.’ s in the A.M. maybe (12-13) at easy pace – foot a bit better. Ran 9 miles in the P.M. for a total of 20 miles today. |
Miles for week : 103
28 – Mon | 12 miles in am – OK pace, flat11 miles in pm – OK pace, flat23 total | Ran about 12 miles in the A.M. over flat course at OK pace. Ran 11 miles in the P.M. over flat course at OK pace for a total of 23 miles today. |
29 – Tue | 20 miles in am – slower 1st 10, better last 10, flat w/few good hills7+ miles in pm – easy pace, flat27+ total | Ran 20 miles w/Dan McDaid in the A.M. over flat course w/few good hills – last 10 at better pace. Ran 7 – 8 miles in P.M. over flat course at easy pace for a total of 27+ miles today. |
30 – Wed | 10 miles in am – easy pace, flat10 miles in pm – easy pace, flat20 total | Ran 10 miles in the A.M. & 10 mi. in the P.M. both at easy pace over flat courses for a total of 20 miles today. |
June Monthly Total: 562
1 – Thurs | 12 miles in am – easy pace, flat11 miles in pm – easy to OK pace, flat23 total | Ran 12 miles in the A.M. at easy pace over flat course. Ran 11 miles in the P.M. over flat course at easy to OK pace for a total of 23 miles today. |
2 – Fri | 12 miles in am – easy pace, flat8 miles in pm – flat20 total | Ran 12 mi. over flat course in A.M. at easy pace. Ran 8 mi. in P.M. over flat course for a total of 20 miles. Cool out. |
3 – Sat | 11+ miles in am – hilly course | Ran only once today – for 11 – 12 miles hilly course in Atlanta, Georgia – felt tired – not enough sleep! |
4 – Sun | 10K – 29:16.4 – 2nd place , Atlanta Road Race6+ miles back to start8+ miles in pm – easy pace, hilly20+ total | Ran 29:16.4 to Don Kardong’s 29:14.6 for 10,000 meter Atlanta Road race – over 2,000 runners! Ran easy back to start of race for 12 1/2 mi. in the A.M. Ran 8+ miles at easy pace over hilly course in P.M. for a total of 20+ miles today. |
Miles for week : 144
5 – Mon | 10 miles at 9 am – easy pace, flat11 miles in pm – flat21 total | Ran 10 miles at 9 A.M. over flat course at easy pace. Ran 11 miles in P.M. over flat course for a total of 21 miles. |
6 – Tue | 12+ miles in am – easy pace, flat11+ miles in pm – flat w/few good hills24 total | Ran 12 – 13 miles in the A.M. at easy pace over flat course. Ran 11 – 12 miles in the P.M. over flat course w/few good hills for a total of 24 miles today. |
7 – Wed | 10+ miles in am – slow pace, flat10 miles in pm – OK pace, flat21 total | Ran 10 – 11 miles at slow pace over flat course in A.M. Ran 10 mi. over flat course in P.M. at OK pace for a total of 21 miles today. |
8 – Thurs | 12 miles in am – OK pace, flat10 miles in pm – on track – 6 x 3/4 @ :71 – :72; 4 min. between; 2 x 1m @ 4:4522 total | Ran about 12 miles in the A.M. at OK pace over flat course. Ran on the track in the P.M. 6 – 3/4 miles at 71 – 72 sec. pace with 4 min. slow run between plus 2 – 4:45 miles for a total of 22 miles or so today. Rt. foot metatarsles ? [sic] ache – rt small toe blistered. |
9 – Fri | 12 miles in am – OK pace8 miles – unknown20 total | Ran 12 mi. in Melrose at OK pace – drove to Plattsburgh, N York, Olympic Training Camp… 20 miles today. |
10 – Sat | 20 miles in pm – easy pace, last 5 good pace, flat | Ran only once in P.M. for 20 miles at easy pace over flat course – ran last 5 miles at good pace. |
11 – Sun | 12 miles in am10 miles in pm22 total | Ran 12 mi. in the A.M. and 10 mi. in the P.M. for 22 mi. today – had rt foot treated by trainer – sponge pad taped to rt metatarsol [sic] & blistered toe cut. |
Miles for week : 150
12 – Mon | 0 miles – sick | No running – 0 miles – in bed all day because of vomiting & diareahh [sic] at 3 – 5 A.M. |
13 – Tue | 8 miles in am – easy pace, flat10 miles in pm – flat18 total | Ran 8 mi. at easy pace in A.M. over flat course and ran 10 mi. in P.M. over flat course for 18 miles today – felt fair – stomach still queasy. |
14 – Wed | 10 miles in am10 miles in pm20 total | Ran 10 in A.M. and 10 in P.M. for a total of 20 miles. |
15 – Thurs | 13 miles in am – easy pace, flat8 miles in pm – easy pace, flat21 miles [normal arithmetic] | Ran 13 mi. in A.M. over flat course and 8 mi. in P.M. for 20 mi. at easy pace over flat courses. |
16 – Fri | 12+ miles in am – OK pace, flat, grassy10+ miles in pm – flat, golf course22+ total | Ran 12+ miles over flat grassy course at OK pace – humid. Ran 10+ miles in P.M. over flat golf course for 22+ miles today. |
17 – Sat | 12 miles in am – flat golf course8 miles in pm – flat golf course20 total | Ran 12 mi. in the A.M. over flat golf course and 8 mi. in the P.M. over flat golf course for 20 mi. today. |
18 – Sun | 10 miles in am – easy oace10 miles in pm – easy pace20 total | Ran 10 mi. in the A.M. and P.M. for 20 mi. today – both runs at easy pace. |
Miles for week : 121
19 – Mon | 17 miles – flat golf course, 1 hill | Ran only once today good pace for 17 mi. over flat golf course (plus 1 hill). |
20 – Tue | 14 miles in am – OK to good pace, flat golf course8 miles in pm – flat golf course22 total | Ran 14 mi. in the A.M. at OK to good pace over flat golf course and ran 8 mi. in the P.M. over golf course for 22 mi. today. |
21 – Wed | 8 miles in am – easy pace13+ miles in pm – over roads21 total | Ran 13+ miles in P.M. (over roads) and 8 mi. easy in the A.M. for a total of 21 mi. today. Behind rt. knee and rt. metatarsal hurt! |
22 – Thurs | 13+ miles in am – last 13+ miles (of BAA course ?)4 miles in pm – easy pace17 total | Ran last 13+ miles of marathon course in A.M. and ran an easy 4 miles in the P.M. for a total of 17+ miles today. |
23 – Fri | 11+ miles in am5+ miles in pm17 total | Ran 11 – 12 mi. in the A.M. and 5+ mi. easy in the P.M. for a total of 17 mi. Rt. leg & foot feel better icing foot, hot bath & 10 hr. sleep… ultrasound too! |
24 – Sat | 8 miles in am – flat12 miles in pm – flat20 total | Ran 8 mi. in the A.M. and 12 mi. in the P.M. for a total of 20 mi. today. Cool out – flat courses. |
25 – Sun | 9+ miles in am – flat9+ miles in pm19 total | Ran about 9 – 10 mi. over flat course in A.M. and 9 – 10 miles in P.M. for a total of 19 miles. |
Miles for week : 133
26 – Mon | 10 miles – easy pace | Ran 10 mi. at easy pace – felt OK – legs, hip & foot feel better. |
27 – Tues | 10 miles in am – OK pace | Ran 10 mi. over marathon course in A.M. at OK pace – leg & foot better. |
28 – Wed | 8+ miles in am – easy pace, flat | Ran 8 – 9 mi. at easy pace over flat course in A.M. |
29 – Thurs | 7+ miles – easy pace, flat | Ran 7 – 8 mi. at easy pace – flat course. |
30 – Fri | 3+ miles in am | Ran 3 – 4 mi. in A.M. Legs & feet OK. Foot ? too little |
31 – Sat | Olympic Marathon (Montreal) – 2:24 – 40th place27 total | Ran 40th in 2:24 in Olympics Marathon. 10km in 30:46, 20km in 1:01:25 – 2:13+ at 40 kilometers – in top 10 with 3 – 4 miles to go. Legs all felt OK until 25 kilometers – last 8 miles my legs cramped badly and had to stop and massage cramps out – humidity was high – in the 70°s – light rain. Few OK hills on course – mostly flattish – tough race – especially last 8 mi. Got most of my water bottles but feel I cramped due to dehydration (genetic?) Total miles today 27 |
July Monthly Total: 543
1 – Sun | 0 miles | No running – packed & sold clothing outside Olympic Village. Legs pretty sore. 0 miles. |
Miles for week : 65
2 – Mon | 0 miles | No running. 0 miles. Travelled from Montreal. |
3 – Tue | 5 miles in am – easy pace | Ran 5 mi. at easy pace in A.M. |
4 – Wed | 5 miles in am – easy pace6 miles in pm – easy pace, flat11 total | Ran 5 mi. at easy pace in the A.M. Ran 6 mi. in P.M. over flat course at easy for a total of 11 miles today. |
5 – Thurs | 8 miles in am – easy pace, flat8 miles in pm – easy pace, flat16 total | Ran about 8 in the A.M. and 8 in the P.M. at easy pace over flat course for a total of 16 miles today – feel better – am running more normal pace. |
6 – Fri | 12+ miles in am – easy to OK pace, flat6+ miles in pm – easy pace, flat19 total | Ran 12-13 miles in the A.M. at easy to OK pace over flat course. Ran 6-7 miles in P.M. over flat course at easy pace for a total of 19 miles today. |
7 – Sat | 11 miles in am – OK pace, flat8 miles in pm – easy pace, hilly19 total | Ran 11 miles over flat course at OK pace in A.M. Legs (esp. hamstrings) are still tight! Ran 8 mi at easy pace over fairly hilly course in P.M. for a total of 19 miles today. |
8 – Sun | 3 miles warm-up7.7 miles – 37:12 – 1st place Chelmsford Road Race11 total | Ran 3 mi warm-up then placed first in record time of 37:12 over 7.7 mile Chelmsford race. Rested remainder of day – upper legs still tight – took hot bath. Total mi today 11 mi. …Rainy |
Miles for week : 81
9 – Mon | 12 miles in am – easy pace, flat w/ 2 hills8 in pm – easy pace, flat w/few gills20 total | Ran 12 mi. easy pace in the A.M. over flat course w/2 good hills. Rainy. Ran 8 mi. easy over flat course w/few hills in P.M. for 20 mi. today – fairly tired – legs still achey from Marathon!! Worse long lasting aches ever!. |
10 – Tue | 14 miles in pm – easy pace, flat | Ran only once, for 14 mi. at easy pace over flat course, in P.M. Legs still sore – resting. |
11 – Wed | 10+ miles in am – easy pace, flat | Ran once today – 10 mi.+ in the A.M. at easy pace over flat course. |
12 – Thurs | 12 miles in am – flat, few good hills11 miles in pm – easy pace, flat23 total [normal math] | Ran 12 mi. in the A.M. – many stops – over flat course w/few hills. Hot & Humid. Ran 11 mi. in P.M. over over flat course at easy pace for a total of 22 mi. today. Legs & foot (metatarsal) – OK. |
13 – Fri | 20+ miles in am & pm – easy pace, flat | Ran in A.M. and P.M. over flat courses for a total of 20 mi.+ today at easy pace. |
14 – Sat | 8 miles in pm – flat | Ran only once, in P.M. for 8 mi. or so w/Alberto Salazar & Scott Graham, over flat course. Humid out. |
15 – Sun | 7+ miles – 33:36 – 2nd place – Falmouth Road Race[3+ miles before/after also??]4+ miles – after race, slow15 total | Ran 2nd in 33:36 to Frank Shorter at Falmouth Road Race (7.1 miles). 1m – 4:45 – 2m – 9:18 – 3m – 14 mi. [min.]. Ran slowly w/John Vitale for 4-5 miles after the race – weak – from hunger also. Got bad side-ache after 2 1/2 mi. Legs OK – feet a bit hot.Total miles run today 15.Very humid though cloudy. |
Miles for week : 110
16 – Mon | 12 miles (approx) in am – easy pace, flat8+ miles in pm – easy pace, flat20 total | Ran 12 (approximately) miles in A.M. at easy pace over flat course – and ran 8+ miles in P.M. over flat course at easy pace for a total of 20 mi. today. Side still aches! Legs – almost no aches!! |
17 – Tue | 12+ miles in am – OK pace, flat12 miles in pm – OK pace, flat25 total | Ran 12-13 mi. in the A.M. at OK pace over flat course – less humid out. Ran 12 miles in P.M. at OK pace over flat course for a total of 25 mi. today. Felt fair. |
18 – Wed | 12 miles in am – easy pace, flat10+ miles in pm – OK pace, flat22 total | Ran 12 mi. in the A.M. at easy pace over flat course. Ran 10+ miles in the P.M. at OK pace over flat course – Saw a fox in woods! Total miles run today 22. |
19 – Thurs | 19 miles in am – easy pace, flat8 miles in pm – easy pace, flat, a few hills27 total | Ran 19 mi. in the A.M. at easy pace over flat course. Ran 8 mi. in the P.M. over flat course w/few hills at easy pace for a total of 27 miles. |
20 – Fri | 9 miles in the am – easy pace, flat | Ran only once – argh! Lazy – for an easy 9 miles in the A.M. over flat course. |
21 – Sat | 11+ miles in am – easy pace, flat11 miles in pm – easy pace22 total | Ran 11+ miles in the A.M. over flat course at easy pace – hot & humid 90° +. Ran 11 miles at easy pace in the P.M. w/Mark Duggan for a total of 22 miles today. |
22 – Sun | 9 miles in am – slow, flat2.5 miles – before race10k – 33:00 (approx) – beach race18 total | Ran 9 mi. in the A.M. at slow pace over flat course. Ran 2.5 mi. to Duxbury from Marshfield & ran 10,000 m. race on the beach in about 33 min. Went for a swim. Most excellent! Went to GBTC barbecue. Total miles run today 18.Hot & humid – low 90° s |
Miles for week : 143
23 – Mon | 11 miles in am – easy pace, flat10 miles in pm – easy pace, flat woods course21 total | Ran 11 mi. in the A.M. at easy pace over flat course. Ran 10 mi. in the P.M. – woods course – flat – at easy pace – for a total of 21 miles today. Hot & humid in the A.M. Cooler at night. |
24 – Tue | 13+ miles in am – 2.5 easy, 1m in 4:58, 4-5 miles @ 5:15 pace, rest easy pace, hilly course10 miles in pm – slow pace, flat23+ total | Ran 13+ miles in A.M. 1st 2.5 easy then 1 mi. 4:58 on track and continual 4-5 mile 5:15 pace over hilly course – rest easy pace. Ran about 10 mi. in P.M. at slow pace over flat course for a total of 23+ miles today. |
25 – Wed | 11 miles in am – easy pace, flat9 miles in pm – easy pace, flat20 total | Ran about 11 miles in the A.M. over flat course at easy pace. Ran 9 mi. in the P.M. over flat course at easy pace for a total of 20 mi. today. |
26 – Thurs | 11 miles in am – easy pace, flat13 miles in pm – easy pace, flat24 total | Ran 11 mi. in the A.M. at easy pace over flat course. Ran 13 mi. at easy pace in P.M. over flat course for a total of 24 mi. today. |
27 – Fri | 13 miles in am – easy pace, flat5 miles – 5 x 1m @ 4:56 – 4:59; 3-4 min. run between6 miles – easy pace24+ total [run between repeat miles not included] | Ran 13 miles in the A.M. at easy pace over flat course. Ran 5 – 1 miles in 4:56 – 4:59 pace w/ 3-4 min. run between – ran easy for 6 more miles for a total of 24 miles today. |
28 – Sat | 13 miles in am – easy pace, flat11 miles in pm – OK pace, flat w/ easy hills24 total | Ran 13 mi. in the A.M. over flat course at easy pace. Made several stops. Ran 11 mi. in the P.M. over flat course – easy hills – at OK pace. HUMID! Total miles today 24. |
29 – Sun | 14 miles in am – easy pace, flat | Ran only once, for about 14 mi. over flat course, in the A.M. at easy pace |
Miles for week : 150
30 – Mon | 18 miles in am – slow pace, flat10+ miles in pm – OK pace, flat28+ total | Ran about 18 mi. at slow pace in the A.M. over flat course. Ran 10+ miles at OK pace over flat course in P.M. for a total of 28+ miles today. |
31 – Tues | 14+ miles in am – slow pace, flat11+ miles in pm – OK to good pace, flat26+ total | Ran 14+ mi. in the A.M. at slow pace over flat course. Ran 11+ miles in the P.M. at OK to good pace over flat course for a total of 26+ miles today. |
August Monthly Total: 528
1 – Wed | 13 miles in am – easy pace, flat7+ miles in pm – easy pace, flat20+ total | Ran near 13 mi. at easy pace in the A.M. over flat course. Ran 7-8 mi. at easy pace over flat course in P.M. for a total of 20+ mi. today. |
2 – Thurs | 14 miles in am – 7 slow, 7 good pace, flat12 miles in pm – good pace, flat26 total | Ran 14 mi. in the A.M. over flat course – last 7 good pace – 1st 7 slow. Ran near 12 mi. in the P.M. at good pace over flat course for a total of 26 mi. today. |
3 – Fri | 14 miles in am – easy pace, flat2 miles – 1 hr. later10+ miles in pm – easy pace, flat26+ total | Ran about 14 mi. at easy pace over flat course in A.M. and 1 hr. later ran 2 more mi. at easy pace. Ran 10-11 miles at easy pace over flat course in P.M. for a total of 26 mi. today. |
4 – Sat | 19+ miles in am – slow pace, flat9 miles in pm – easy pace, flat28+ total | Ran 19-20 mi. in the A.M. over flat course at slow pace. Ran 9 mi. in the P.M. over flat course at easy pace for a total of 28 miles today. |
5 – Sun | 14 miles in am – OK pace, flat11 miles in pm – OK pace, flat25 total | Ran 14 mi. at OK pace in A.M. over flat course. Ran 11 mi. at OK pace in P.M. over flat course for a total of 25 mi. today. |
Miles for week : 179
6 – Mon | 14 miles in am – easy pace, flat11 miles in pm – easy pace, flat25 total | Ran 14 mi. at easy pace in the A.M. over flat course and ran 11 mi. at easy pace over flat course in the P.M. for a total of 25 mi. today. |
7 – Tue | 14 miles in am – easy pace, flat course10-11 miles in pm – [assume on track] -1 up, 6 x 1m at 5:00 pace, 500 jog between, 2 down25 total | Ran 14 mi. at easy pace in the A.M. over flat course. Ran 6 – 1 mi. at 5 min. pace with 500 yd jog between – 1 mi. warmup & 2 mile warmdown for a total of 10-11 miles in P.M. for a total of 25 mi. today. |
8 – Wed | 10 miles in am – OK pace, flat13 miles in pm – flat23 total | Ran 10 mi. at 6 A.M. (Arg) at OK pace over flat course. Ran 13 mi. over flat course in P.M. (whipped!) for a total of 23 mi. today. |
9 – Thurs | 9 miles in am – OK pace, flat14 miles (approx) in pm – [on track] – 3 x ( 2 x 1/2, 3/4, 1m) at sub 5:00 pace; [interval between unknown], 5 mile warmdown23 (approx) total | Ran 9 mi. in the A.M. at OK pace over flat course. Ran 3 sets of 2 – 1/2’s, 1 – 3/4, 1 mi. – all in sub 5 min. pace. Warmdown 5 miles. Total miles run today 23 approximately. |
10 – Fri | 8 miles in am – easy pace, flat112 miles in pm – easy pace, flat20 total | Ran 8 mi. in the A.M. at easy pace over flat course. Ran 12 mi. in the P.M. over flat course at easy pace for a total of 20 mi. today. |
11 – Sat | 21 miles at 11:45 am – good pace, flat 5 miles at 4:30 pm – easy pace, hilly26 total [normal math] | Ran 21 miles (Melrose to Wayland) at good pace over mostly flat course (11:45 A.M.) Ran 5 mi. over hilly course at 4:30 P.M. at easy pace for a total of 27+ miles today.Have bad head cold – taking medication – spaced out! |
12 – Sun | 15 miles in the am – easy to OK pace, flat8 miles in pm – slow pace, flat23 total | Ran 15 mi. in the A.M. at easy to OK pace over flat course. Ran 8 mi. in the P.M. at slow pace over flat course for a total of 23 mi. today. |
Miles for week : 165
13 – Mon | 8+ miles in early am – easy pace, flat13+ miles in pm – easy pace, flat21+ total | Ran 8+ mi. in early A.M. over flat course at easy pace. Ran 13+ miles at easy pace over flat course in P.M. for a total of 21+ miles today. |
14 – Tue | 8+ miles in am – OK pace, hilly14 miles (approx) in pm – [on track] – 2 x (1m, 1 1/2m) at sub 5:00 pace, 2m – 9:47, 3 x 1m at sub 5:00 pace, [intervals between unknown], 2+ miles warm down22+ total | Ran 8-9 mi. in the A.M. over fairly hilly course at OK pace. Ran 2 sets of 1 mi. – 1 1/2 mi. at sub 5 min. pace – ran a 9:47 2 mile – the 3 1-miles at sub 5. Warmdown 2+ miles. Total miles run today 22+. |
15 – Wed | 14 miles – OK pace | Ran only once – Shit! Forget running year home! [ how about ho me! instead ] Ran about 14 miles at OK pace – felt uncomfortable from lack of sleep – 6 hrs. last nite! and long week. |
16 – Thurs | 8+ miles in am – OK pace, hilly8 miles in pm – slow pace, flat17 total | Ran 8-9 miles in the A.M. over hilly course at OK pace. Ran 8 miles in P.M. over flat course at slow pace for a total of 17 mi. today. Resting. |
17 – Fri | 10 miles in am – flat | Ran only once, 8 mi. at OK pace over flat course in A.M. Resting for race. |
18 – Sat | 10 miles – 47:48 [Lynchburg 10 miler] – 1st [ we assume ]8 miles later18 total | Ran 3rd annual Virginia 10 miler in record time of 47:48. Ran easy for 8 miles in 2 hrs. [ 2 hrs after the race? ] for a total of 18 mi. today. |
19 – Sun | 21 miles in am – hilly at end8 miles in pm – “flattish” | Ran 21 in A.M. with John V. & company – hilly at the end. Ran 8 mi. in P.M. over flattish… Total 29 mi. |
Miles for week : 131
20 – Mon | 8 miles in am – easy pace, flat14 miles in pm – easy pace, flat22 total | Ran 8 mi. in A.M. over flat course at easy pace. Ran 14 mi. at easy pace over flat course in P.M. for a total of 22 mi. today. |
21 – Tue | 8 miles in am – easy pace, flat12 miles in pm – track – 2 x ( 1m, 1 1/2m, 2m) at 4:58 pace, 1 mile warm-up, [interval between unknown]20 total | Ran about 8 mi. in the A.M. over flat course at easy pace. Ran 1 mi. – 1 1/2 mi. – 2 mi. – repeat set – all at 4:58 pace – 1 mi. warm-up, for a total of 20 miles today. |
22 – Wed | 9 miles in am – OK pace, hilly14 miles in pm – OK pace, hilly23 total | Ran 9 mi. in the A.M. and 14 mi. in the P.M., both at OK pace over fairly hilly courses, for a total of 23 mi. today. |
23 – Thurs | 9 miles in am – OK to good pace, hilly14 miles in pm – easy pace, flat23 total | Ran 9 mi. in the A.M. over hilly course at OK to good pace. Ran 14 mi. at easy pace over flat course for a total of 23 mi. today. |
:24 – Fri | 9 miles in am – OK pace, hilly13 miles – flat w/few good hills22 total | Ran 9 mi. over hilly course at OK pace in A.M. Ran 13 mi. over flat course w/few good hills for a total of 22 mi. today. |
25 – Sat | 15+ miles in am – OK pace, flat10 miles in pm – flat25 total | Ran 15+ miles at OK pace in the A.M. over flat course. Ran 10 mi. in the P.M. over flat course for a total of 25 mi. today. |
26 – Sun | 10 miles in am – good pace, hilly5.3 miles – 5:00 pace for race2 miles – warm-up & warm-down5 [?] miles at 5 P.M. – easy pace8 miles at 5:45 pm – OK pace, flat30 total | Ran 10 mi. at good pace in A.M. over fairly hilly course. Ran 5.3 mi. ( 1:00 P.M.) Quincy race in 5 min. pace. 1 mi. warm-up and down. [crossed out – assume approx 5 miles] …at easy pace at 5:00 P.M. Ran 8 mi. at OK pace over flat course at 5:45 P.M. for a total of 30 mi. today. |
Miles for week : 165
27 – Mon | 9 miles in am – good pace, hilly16 miles [in pm?] – OK pace, flat25 total | Ran 9 mi. at good pace over hilly course in A.M. Ran 16 mi. at OK pace over flat course for a total of 25 mi. today. |
28 – Tue | 8 miles in am – easy pace, flat3 miles in suit with heavy handbag9 miles [on track] – 6 x 1m at 4:58 pace, 4 min. intervals between, 2 mile warm down20 total | Ran 8 mi. in the A.M. over flat course at easy pace. Ran 3 mi. in suit w/heavy handbag ( a truly anaerobic run!) then ran 6 – 1 miles at 4:58 pace w/4 min. rest. 2 mi. warmdown. Pooped & hungry! Total miles run today 20. |
29 – Wed | 9 miles in am – easy pace, flat11 miles in pm – easy pace20 total | Ran 9 mi. in the A.M. over flat course at easy pace. Ran 11 mi. in the P.M. at easy pace for a total of 20 mi. today. Metatarsal OK w/bandage. |
30 – Thurs | 8+ miles in am – OK pace, hilly14 miles in pm – easy pace, hilly22 total | Ran 8+ miles over hilly course at OK pace in A.M. Ran 14 mi. at easy pace over fairly hilly course in P.M. for a total of 22 mi. today. |
September Monthly Total: 673 [That’s a lot of miles!!]
Date: | Mileage Breakdown: | Comments: |
1 – Fri | 8+ miles in am – OK pace, flat13 miles in pm – easy pace, flat21 total | Ran 8+ miles at OK pace over flat course in A.M. Ran 13 miles at easy pace over flat course in P.M. for a total of 21 mi. today. |
2 – Sat | 19 miles in am – easy pace, flat8 miles in pm – easy oace, flat27 total | Ran 19 mile flat easy pace run in A.M. Ran 8 mile easy run over flat course in P.M. for a total of 27 mi. today. |
3 – Sun | 13 miles – 1:04:16 – 1st – Portland, ME race3 miles – warm-up and down8 miles in late pm – good pace24 total | Ran 13 mi. Portland, Maine race in 1:04:16 for 1st. Warm-up and down 3 mi. Ran 8 mi. at good pace in late P.M. for a total of 24 mi. today. |
Miles for week : 159
4 – Mon | 8 miles in am – easy pace, flat14 miles in pm – easy pace, flat22 total | Ran 8 mi. in the A.M. at easy pace over flat course. Ran 14 mi. at easy pace in P.M. over flat course for a total of 22 mi. |
5 – Tue | 8 miles in am – OK pace, flat14+ miles in pm – hilly22 total | Ran 8 mi. in the A.M. at OK pace over flat course – trail running also! Ran 14+ miles over hilly course in P.M. for a total of 22 miles. |
6 – Wed | 8 miles in am – easy pace, flat14 miles in pm – easy pace, flat22 total | Ran about 8 mi. in the A.M. over flat course at easy pace. Ran about 14 mi. at easy pace in P.M. over flat course for a total of 22 mi. today. Very tired last few miles . I’m trying heavier pair of training shoes – New Balance 320’s – good cushioning size 9 (double EE) slightly large – Metatarsal still hurts some. |
7 – Thurs | 8+ miles in am – easy pace, flat13+ [on track] – 4 x 2m (3 at 9:58, last one 9:54) w/600 yd. jog between, 2 x 1m in 4:59, 4:52, [warm-up or down?]22 total | Ran 8-9 mi. in A.M. over flat course at easy pace. Ran 4 – 2 mi. in 9:58 pace , last one in 9:54, with 600 yd. jog , ran 2 – 1 mi. in 4:59 – 4:52 – total miles run today 22. |
8 – Fri | 9 miles in am – hilly12 miles in pm – easy pace, flat21 total | Ran 9 mi. in A.M. over hilly course. Ran 12 mi. in P.M. over flat course at easy pace – very un-Van-Akenish tonight – ate like a pig! total miles run today 21 |
9 – Sat | 14 miles in am – easy pace, flat w/small hills8 miles in pm – easy pace, flat22 total | Ran 14 (?) (1hr. 50 min.) miles at easy pace over flat “woods” course w/small hills. Pouring rain out – and ate chicken sandwich 1/2 hr. before run – Ugh. ate like a pig yesterday & this A.M.! Ran 8 mi. at easy pace over flat course in P.M. for a total of 22 mi. today. |
10 – Sun | 24 miles in am – easy pace, flat, 1 or 2 good hills9 miles in pm – OK pace, flat33 total | Ran 24 miles at easy pace in A.M. over flat course w/1-2 good hills – felt OK. Ran 9 mi. flat course in P.M. at OK pace for a total of 33 miles. |
Miles for week : 164
11 – Mon | 2.5 miles at 10 am12.5 miles in am – easy pace, flat9 miles in pm – flat24 total | Cerebral Palsy Walk-a-Thon 9:15 A.M.Ran 2.5 miles at 10:00 A.M. Ran 12.5 miles in A.M. at easy pace over flat course. Ran 9 miles over flat course in P.M. for a total of 24 miles today. |
12 – Tue | 8+ miles in am – easy pace, flat15+ miles – 3 miles warm-up, 10 x 1m at 4:54 – 4:46 pace, 4 min. jog between23+ total | Ran about 8-9 mi. in the A.M. over flat course at easy pace. Ran 3 mi. warmup – then 10 – 1 mi. at 4:54 – 4:46 pace w/4 min. jog between. Total miles run today 23+. |
13 – Wed | 8 miles in am – easy pace, flat9 miles in pm – easy pace, flat17 total | Ran 8 mi. in the A.M. at easy pace over flat course. Ran 9 mi. in the P.M. at easy pace over flat course for a total of 17 mi. today. Tired – |
14 – Thurs | 8+ miles in am – OK pace, flat14 miles in pm – easy pace22+ total | Ran 8-9 mi. in the A.M. over flat course at OK pace. Ran 14 mi. at easy pace in P.M. for a total of 22+ miles today. |
15 – Fri | 8+ miles in am – OK pace, flat10 miles (approx) in pm – [on track] – 3 x (2 x 1/2, 3/4), 2 mile warm-down, [ jog intervals between unknown ]18 total | Ran 8-9 mi. in the A.M. over flat course at OK pace. Ran 2 – 1/2’s, 1 – 3/4 mi. – 3 sets of those then 2 mi. warmdown in P.M. for a total mileage today of 18 miles. |
16 – Sat | 10 miles at 12:45 pm – easy pace, flat15 miles in pm – easy pace, flat25 total | Ran 10 mi. at 12:45 P.M. at easy pace over flat course. Ran 15 mi. (?) at easy pace over flat course in P.M. for a total of 25 mi. today. |
17 – Sun | 12+ miles in am – easy pace, flat8 miles in pm – easy pace, flat20+ total | Ran 12-13 mi. in the A.M. at easy pace over flat course. Ran 8 mi. in P.M. over flat course at easy pace for a total of 20-21 miles today. |
Miles for week : 149
18 – Mon | 8 miles in am – easy pace, flat14 mile sin pm – OK pace, flat22 total | Ran 8 mi. at easy pace over flat course in A.M. Ran 14 mi. at OK pace over flat course in P.M. for a total of 22 mi. today. |
19 – Tue | 8 miles in am – easy to OK pace10 miles in pm – OK pace18 total | Ran 8 mi. in the A.M. at easy to OK pace. Ran 10 mi. in the P.M. at OK pace for a total of 18-19 mi. today. |
20 – Wed | 8 miles in am – easy pace, flat10 miles in pm – easy pace, flat18 total | Ran 8 mi. in A.M. over flat course at easy pace – tired. Ran 10 mi. at easy pace over flat course for a total of 18 mi. today. Carbohydrate loading tonight w/macaroni & cheese & root beer. |
21 – Thurs | 8 miles in am – easy pace, flat8 miles in pm – easy pace, flat16 total | Ran 8 mi. in the A.M. over flat course at easy pace. Very windy. Ran 8 mi. in the P.M. at easy pace over flat course. Still feel tired – hmmm?!! (Total miles today 16.) …not enough of a cut-down in mileage yet? or not enough sleep? |
22 – Fri | 7 miles in am – easy pace, flat3 miles in pm – easy, flat | Ran an easy 7 mi. at A.M. over flat course. Ran an easy 3 mi. in the P.M. over flat course for 10 mi. today. |
23 – Sat | 3 miles – easy pace, flat | Ran an easy 3 mi. at easy pace over flat course. |
24- Sun | 26.2 miles – 2:10:09.6 – 1st place NYC Marathon27 totalGood stuff: www.billrodgersrunningcenter.com/19nycma.html | New York City Marathontook 1st place with 2:10:09.6 …felt very good except for minor leg tightness the last few miles and minor stomach upset caused by taking magnesium tablets immediately prior to the race. Total miles run today 27. Course was not overly tough but had rough footing – cobblestones, iron gratings on bridges, potholes and several fair hills. |
Miles for week : 114
25 – Mon | 5 miles – easy pace | Ran 5 mi. today – easy pace. Legs not too bad – spacey though – 5 hrs. sleep! |
26 – Tue | 7 miles in am10 miles in pm17 total | 3-4 hrs. sleep – celebrating! Ran 7 mi. in the A.M. and 10 mi. in the P.M. for 17 mi. today. |
27 – Wed | 8 miles in am9 miles in pm17 total | Ran 8 mi. in the A.M. and 9 mi. in the P.M. for 17 mi. today. |
28 – Thurs | 7+ miles in am – easy pace, flat12+ miles in pm – OK pace, flat20 total | Ran 7-8 mi. in the A.M. over flat course at easy pace. Ran 12-13 mi. over flat course at OK pace in P.M. for a total of 20 mi. today. |
29 – Fri | 11 miles in am – easy pace, flat9 miles in pm – easy pace, easy hills20 total | Ran 11 mi. in the A.M. at easy pace over flat course and 9 mi. in the P.M. over easy hills course at easy pace for a total of 20 mi. today. |
30 – Sat | 12 miles in am – easy pace, flat8+ miles in pm – easy pace, flat20+ total | Ran 12 mi. in the A.M. at easy pace over flat course. Ran 8+ miles in the P.M. over flat course at easy for a total of 20+ miles today. |
31 – Sun | 14 miles in am – easy to OK pace, flat8 miles in pm – easy pace, easy hills22 total | Ran 14 mi. in the A.M. at easy to OK pace over flat course. Rainy. Ran 8 mi. in the P.M. over easy hills course at easy pace for a total of 22 miles today. |
Weekly total: 121
October Monthly Total: 620
1 – Mon | 8 miles in am – eas to OK pace, flat12 miles in pm – flat20 total | Ran 8 mi. in the A.M. at easy to OK pace over flat course. Ran 12 mi. in the P.M. over flat course for a total of 20 mi. today.windy out! EEK |
2 – Tue | 20 miles (?) | Ran a total of 20 mi. today? I think… |
3 – Wed | 11+ miles in am | Ran 11-12 miles at JFK Airport in A.M. – flew to Japan |
4 – Thurs | 0 miles | No running – on the plane to Japan: 0 miles run today. |
5 – Fri | 12+ miles in am – easy pace6+ miles in pm – easy pace19 [?] total | Ran 12-13 miles in the A.M. around Imperial Palace at easy pace. Ran 6+ miles in P.M. at easy pace on Sodo Island. Total miles today 20. |
6 – Sat | 7 miles – easy pace | Ran easy for 1 hr. – 7 miles total. |
7 – Sun | 26.1 [?] miles – 2:08:23 – Marathon in Japan6 miles in pm – easy pace, hilly32 total | Ran 2:08:23 for supposed marathon course minus 145 (?) ( 160 yds.) ? flat, pleasant course. Ran about 6 mi. in P.M. at easy pace over hilly course for a total of 32 miles. |
Miles for week : 109
8 – Mon | 5 miles in am | Ran once for about 5 miles in A.M. – felt pooped – not enough sleep. |
9 – Tue | 11+ miles in am – easy pace, flat11 miles in pm – easy pace, flat22 total | Ran 11-12 mi. in the A.M. and 11 mi. in the P.M. for a total of 22 mi. today – at easy pace over flat course. |
10 – Wed | 8 miles in am – easy pace, flat12 miles in pm – easy pace, flat20 total | SNOW – SLUSH UGHRan 8 mi. in the A.M. over flat course at easy pace. Ran 12 mi. over flat course in P.M. at easy pace for a total of 20 mi. today. |
11 – Thurs | 12 miles in am – easy pace, flat (1 hr. 25 mins.)6 miles in pm – easy pace, flat18 total | Ran 12 miles ( 1 hr. 25 min. ) at easy pace over flat course in A.M. Ran 6 mi. in P.M. over flat course at easy pace – in between runs came down with fever aches – cold, probably due to being run down and standing-sitting around in wet clothes after the 1st run. STUPID! Bring a dry sweatshirt for post race change! Total miles run today 18. |
12 – Fri | 0 miles | Stayed home from school – diareah & chills – poop! No running – rested a lot. 0 miles run today. |
13 – Sat | 5 miles in early am – easy pace | Ran easy for 5 mi. in early A.M. with Cambridge Y runners. Rested remainder of the day – tomorrow will try more normal running. |
14 – Sun | 9 miles in am – flat7 miles in pm – easy hills16 total | Ran 9 mi. over flat course in A.M. and 7 mi. over easy hills course in P.M. for a total of 16 mi. today. Still spaced out & weak. |
Miles for week : 86
15 – Mon | 7 miles in am – slow pace, flat8 miles in pm – easy pace, easy hills15 total | Ran 7 mi. in the A.M. at slow pace over flat course. Ran 8 mi. in the P.M. over easy hills course at easy pace – pit stops! Stomach still has aches & pains! Total miles run today 15. |
16 – Tue | 5 miles at 1 pm – slow pace, flat9 miles in pm – easy pace, flat14 total | Ran 5 mi. a 1:00 P.M. at slow pace over flat course. Ran 9 mi. at easy pace over flat course in P.M. for a total of 14 mi. today.Still weak from Monty’s Toots! |
17 – Wed | 8 miles in am – easy pace, flat8 miles in pm – easy pace, flat16 total | Ran 8 mi. in the A.M. at easy pace over flat course. Ran 8 mi. in the P.M. over flat course at easy pace – stomach felt OK on 2nd run!!! Felt a bit stronger! Tomorrow? Total miles today 16. |
18 – Thurs | 8 miles in am – OK pace, flat9 miles in pm – flat17 total | Ran 8 mi. in the A.M. at OK pace over flat course and 9 mi. in the P.M. over flat course for a total of 17 mi. today. |
19 – Fri | 8 miles in am – OK pace, flat | Ran 8 mi. at OK pace in A.M. over flat course – flew to Birmingham, Ala. for race. |
20 – Sat | 10k – 28:35 – 1st in Alabama Race[short course?]7 miles more13 total | Ran 1st in 10,000 m. race in Alabama in 28:35. Fast course, 1 hill, probably a bit short. Ran a total of 7 miles more today for a total of 13 mi. today. |
21 – Sun | 17 miles in am – easy pace, flat8 miles in pm – flat, a few hills25 total | Ran about 17 mi. at easy pace over flat course in A.M. and about 8 mi. over flat course w/few hills in P.M. for a total of 25 mi. today. Felt OK. |
Miles for week : 108
22 – Mon | 8 miles in am – good pace, flat12 miles in pm – good pace, flat w/easy hills20 total | Ran 8 mi. at good pace over flat course in A.M. Ran 12 mi. at good pace over flat course w/easy hills in P.M. for a total of 20 miles today. |
23 – Tue | 9 miles in am – good pace, flat5 miles indoors – 4 x 1m, 1 x 1/2 at sub 5:00 pace5 miles more – easy pace19 total | Ran 9 mile flat course in A.M. at good pace. Ran indoors 4 – 1 miles and 1 – 1/2 mi. at sub 5 min. pace. Ran easy for about 5 more miles or so for a total of 19 miles today. |
24 – Wed | 13 miles – OK pace, flat | Ran only once today – pooped – about 13 miles at OK pace over flat course. |
25 – Thurs | 17 miles in am – OK pace (2 hrs.), flat with a few good hills | Ran for 2 hrs. over flat course with a few good hills at OK pace in A.M. for about 17 miles today. |
26 – Fri | 11 miles in am – slow pace9 miles in pm – easy pace, flat20 total | Ran about 11 mi. in the A.M. at slow pace. Ran about 9 mi. in the P.M. at easy pace over flat course for a total of 20 mi. today. |
27 – Sat | 12 miles in am – OK to slow pace, flat7 miles in pm – easy pace, flat19 total | Ran about 12 mi. in A.M. over flat course at OK to slow pace. Ran 7 mi. in P.M. over flat course at easy pace – pooped….Total miles run today 19. |
28 – Sun | 19 miles in am – OK pace, flat8 miles in pm – flat w/few good hills27 total | Ran 19 mi. flat course in A.M. at OK pace. Ran 8 mi. course in P.M. over flat course w few good hills for a total of 27 mi. today. |
Miles for week : 135
29 – Mon | 9+ miles in am – good pace, flat13 miles in pm – flat22+ total | Ran 9+ mile flat course in A.M. at good pace. Ran 13 mi. flat course in P.M. for a total of 23 miles today. |
30 – Tues | 9 miles in am – OK pace, flat12 miles in pm – OK pace, flat & easy hills21 total | Ran 9 mi. at OK pace over flat course in A.M. Ran about 12 miles (?) over flat & easy hills course at OK pace in P.M. for a total of 21 miles today. |
November Monthly total: 481
1 – Wed | 9 miles in am – easy pace | Ran 9 mi. in the A.M. at easy pace – not sleeping well – so no running in P.M. blew it! |
2 – Thurs | 9 miles in am – easy pace, flat6 miles in pm – indoors – 4 x (1m, 3/4) at 4:30 to 5:00 pace, easy run for a few miles15 total [ mileage total should be much higher???] | Ran 9 mi. in A.M. over flat course at easy pace. Ran indoors 4 repeat miles and 3/4’s at 4:30 to 5 min. pace. Ran easy for a few miles. Total miles today 15. |
3 – Fri | 8 miles – OK pace, flat | Leave for Baltimore Marathon. Ran about 8 miles over flat course at OK pace. Resting for marathon. |
4 – Sat | 5 miles in am – easy pace, flat | Ran 5 mi. at easy pace over flat course in A.M. Resting. |
5 – Sun | 26.2 miles – 2:14:23 – 1st – Baltimore Marathon | Baltimore, Maryland MarathonWon Balt Marathon in 2:14:23. Total miles run today 26. Tough course. 1/2 way in 1:07 plus a little. |
Miles for week : 106
6 – Mon | 5 miles in am – slow pace, flat5 miles in pm – easy pace, flat10 total | Ran 5 mi. at slow pace in A.M. over flat course and 5 mi. in P.M. over flat course at easy pace for a total of 10 mi. today. |
7 – Tue | 8 miles in am – easy pace, flat8 miles in pm – easy pace, flat w/few hills16 total | Ran 8 mi. at easy pace in A.M. over flat course. Ran 8 mi. in P.M. over flat course w/few hills at easy pace for a total of 16 mi. today.Rainy and windy & warm. |
8 – Wed | 8 miles in am – easy pace, flat10 miles in pm – easy pace, flat18 total | Ran 8 mi. in A.M. over flat course at easy pace. Ran 10 mi. in P.M. over flat course at easy pace for a total of 18 mi. today. Feeling better – especially 2nd run. |
9 – Thurs | 9 miles in am – OK pace, flat11 miles in pm – OK pace, flat20 total | Ran 9 mi. in A.M. at OK pace over flat course. Cold and windy! Bitch running weather. Ran 11 miles in P.M. at OK pace over flat course for a total of 20 miles today. |
10 – Fri | 10 miles in am – OK pace, flat10 miles in pm – OK pace, flat20 total | Ran 10 mi. in A.M. at OK pace over flat course and same in P.M. for a total of 20 miles today. |
11 – Sat | 11 miles in am – easy pace, flat, few easy hills9 miles in pm – easy pace20 total | Ran 11 mi. in A.M. over Central Park course – flattish – few easy hills. Ran 9 mi. in P.M. for a total of 20 mi. today. Easy running – very tired. |
12 – Sun | 5 miles – easy pace6 miles – about 30:00 – Central Park road race6+ miles in pm18 total | Ran 5 mi. easy pace then ran 6 mi. road race in about 30 minutes in Central Park. Hardish – pooped. Ran 6+ mi. in P.M. Rt. calf hurt so resting – Tired again! Total mi. run today 18. |
Miles for week : 122
13 – Mon | 0 miles | No running – rested rt. calf0 miles run today.Brutally cold & windy – 30-50 mph wind |
14 – Tue | 9 miles in am – slow pace, flat8 miles in pm – slow pace, indoors (1 hr.)17 total | Ran 9 mi. in A.M. over flat course at slow pace. Rt. calf hurt. Ran slow indoor for 1 hr. 17 miles today. |
15 – Wed | 9 miles in am – easy pace, flat11 miles in pm – easy pace, flat20 total | Ran 9 mi. at easy pace over flat course in A.M. Ran 11 miles over flat course at easy pace in P.M. Rt. calf muscle pull is markedly improved! Whew!! Due to 9 hrs. sleep and hot bath last night! Total miles run today 20. |
16 – Thurs | 9 miles in am – OK pace, flat11+ miles in pm – OK pace, easy hills20+ total | Ran 9 mi. in A.M. over flat course at OK pace. Legs OK! Ran 11-12 miles in P.M. over easy hills course at OK pace for a total of 20+ miles today. |
17 – Fri | 9 miles in am – OK pace, flat11 miles in pm – OK pace, flat20 total | Ran 9 mi. in the A.M. at OK pace over flat course. Ran 11 mi. in P.M. over flat course at OK pace for a total of 20 mi. today.It snowed! Several inches …wet-warmish out… |
18 – Sat | 12+ miles in am – OK pace, flat w/easy hills9 miles in pm – easy pace21 total | Ran 12-13 mi. in the A.M. over flat course w/easy hills at OK pace. Ran 9 miles at easy pace in P.M. for a total of 21 mi. today. |
19 – Sun | 19 miles in am – OK pace, flat10 miles in pm – OK pace, flat w/easy hills29 total | Ran 19 mi. at OK pace over flat course in A.M. Ran 10 mi. at OK pace over flat course w/easy hills in P.M. for a total of 29 miles today – 29 mi. for 29 years on the 23rd! |
Miles for week : 127
20 – Mon | 9 miles in am – OK pace, flat11 miles in pm – easy pace, flat20 total | Ran 9 mi. in the A.M. over flat course at OK pace. Ran 11 mi. in the P.M. over flat course at easy pace for a total of 20 mi. today. |
21 – Tue | 8 miles in am – easy pace, flat12 miles in pm – 6-7 x 1m at about 5:00 pace[rest of workout must have added some miles?]20 total | Ran 8 mi. in the A.M. at easy pace over flat course. Ran 6-7 1 miles at about 5 min. pace indoors. Total miles run today 20. |
22 – Wed | 9 miles in am – OK pace, flat”Ran” indoors – 35 mins. in place10+ total | Ran only once today – 9 mi. at OK pace over flat course in A.M. Ran indoors (in place!) for 35 mins. or so. Total miles run today 10+. |
23 – Thurs | 10 miles in am – good pace, flat, 1 good hill14 miles in pm – OK pace, flat24 total | Ran 10 mi. in A.M. over flat course w/1 good hill at good pace. Ran 14 mi. in P.M. over flat course at OK pace for a total of 24 mi. today.”Other things being roughly equal, that man lives most keenly who lives in closest harmony with nature. To be wholly alive a man must know storms, he must feel the ocean as his home or the air as his habitation. He must smell the things of earth, hear the sounds of living things and taste the rich abundance of the soil & the sea.” |
:24 – Fri | 15 miles in am – OK pace, few good hills10 miles in pm – OK pace, flat, 1 good hill25 total | Ran 15 mile loop with few good hills at OK pace in A.M. Ran 10 mi. at OK pace in P.M. over flat course with 1 good hill for a total of 25 mi. today. |
25 – Sat | 15 miles in am – OK pace, flat w/rolling hills | Blew it! Only ran once – about 15 mi. in the A.M. at OK pace over flat course with rolling hills. |
26 – Sun | 20 miles in am and pm – slow pace, snow-covered hilly golf course | Ran over snow-covered hilly golf course in A.M. and P.M. for about 20 mi. today at slow pace. |
Miles for week : 134
27 – Mon | 10 miles in am – slow pace, snow-covered rolling hills golf course10 miles in pm – same as above20 total | Ran about 10 mi. in the A.M. and P.M. over rolling hills of snow-covered Staly Golf Course at slow pace for a total of 20 mi. today. |
28 – Tue | 13 miles in am – rolling hills golf course10 miles in pm – slow pace, 1 good hill23 total | Ran about 13 mi. in the A.M., mostly over rolling hills of golf course. Ran 10 mi. in P.M. 1 good hill at slow pace for a total of 23 miles today….Cold out – snowed again! |
29 – Wed | 20 miles in pm – slow pace, flat course, blizzard | Ran only once today for about 20 miles at slow pace in P.M. over flat course. had to run slow as a blizzard was occurring. |
30 – Thurs | 10 miles in am – slow pace, flat w/few rolling hills, snow16 miles – OK pace, flat w/few good hills26 total | Ran 10 mi. in the A.M. over flat course w/few rolling hills at slow pace – snow. Ran 16 miles at OK pace over flat course w/few good hills for a total of 26 miles today.Nasty weather – windy – 20º |
31 – Fri. | 14 miles in am – good pace, hilly10+ miles in pm – OK pace, flat w/few hills24+ total | Ran 14 mi. over hilly course at good pace in A.M. Ran about 10-11 mi. in P.M. over flat course w/few hills at OK pace for a total of 25 mi. today. |
December Monthly Total: 559
1976 Summary:
Mileage: 6772